Wednesday, July 31, 2019

Microcontroller Based Bidirectional Visitor Counter

ConstruCtion Microcontroller-bAsed bidirectionAl Visitor counter UMAR SUNIL K ? AkshAy MAthur, kuldeep singh nAglA V isitor counting is simply a measurement of the visitor traffic entering and exiting offices, malls, sports venues, etc. Counting the visitors helps to maximise the efficiency and effectiveness of employees, floor area and sales potential of an organisation.Visitor counting is not limited to Semiconductors: IC1 – LM324 quad op-amp IC2 – 74LS76 J-K flip-flop IC3 – AT89C52 microcontroller IC4 – 7805 5V regulator T1, T2 – L14F1 npn phototransistor T3, T4 – 2N3904 npn transistor IR TX1, IR TX2 – IR transmitting LED BR1 – 1A bridge rectifier DIS1-DIS3 – LTS543 CC 7-segment display Resistors (all ? -watt,  ±5% carbon): R1, R2 – 68-ohm R3, R4 – 6. 8-kilo-ohm R5, R6 – 100-ohm R7, R8, R10, R11 – 10-kilo-ohm R9 – 4. 7-kilo-ohm R12-R32 – 220-ohm VR1, VR2 – 20-kilo-ohm preset RNW1 – 10-kilo-ohm resistor network Capacitors: C1, C2 C3, C4 C5 C6 C7 Miscellaneous: XTAL X1 S1 S2 – 0.  µF ceramic disk – 33pF ceramic disk – 10 µF, 16V electrolytic – 470 µF, 25V electrolytic – 0. 1 µF ceramic disk – 12MHz crystal – 230V primary to 7. 5V, 250mA secondary transformer – Push-to-on switch – On/off switch Fig. 1: Transmitter-receiver set-up at the entrance-cum-exit of the passage Parts List the entry/exit point of a company but has a wide range of applications that provide information to management on the volume and flow of people throughout a location. A primary method for counting the visitors involves hiring human auditors to stand and manually tally the number of visitors who pass by a certain location.But human-based data collection comes at great expense. Here is a low-cost microcontrollerbased visitor counter that can be used to know the number of persons at a place. All the c omponents required are readily available in the market and the circuit is easy to build. Two IR transmitter-receiver pairs are used at the passage: one pair comprising IR transmitter IR TX1 and receiver phototransistor T1 is installed at the entry point of the passage, while the other pair comprising IR transmitter IR TX2 and phototransistor T2 is installed at the exit of the passage.The IR signals from the IR LEDs should continuously fall on the respective phototransistors, so proper orientation of the transmitters and phototransistors is necessary. circuit description Fig. 1 shows the transmitter-receiver set-up at the entrance-cum-exit of the passage along with block diagram. Two similar sections detect interruption of the IR beam and generate clock pulse for the microcontroller. The microcontroller controls counting and displays the number of persons present inside the hall. Fig. 2 shows the circuit of the microcontroller-based visitor counter, wherein the transmitter and the re ceiver form the IR detection circuit.Control logic is built around transistors, operational amplifier LM324 (IC1) and flip-flop (IC2). When nobody is passing through the entry/exit point, the IR beam continuously falls on phototransistor T1. Phototransistor T1 conducts and the high voltage at its emitter drives transistor T3 into saturation, which makes pin 3 of comparator N1 low and finally output pin 1 of comparator N1 is high. Now if someone enters the place, first the IR beam from IR TX1 is interrupted and then the IR beam from IR TX2. When the beam from IR TX1 is interrupted, phototransistor T1 and transistor T3 cut-off and pin 3 of comparator N1 goes high.The low output (pin 1) of comparator N1 provides negative trigger pulse to pin 1 of J-K flip-flop IC2(A). At this moment, the high input at ‘J’ and ‘K’ w w w. e f y m ag . co m 7 8 †¢ J a n ua ry 2 0 0 7 †¢ e l e c t ro n i c s f o r yo u ConstruCtion w w w. e f y m ag . co m e l e c t ro n i c s f o r yo u †¢ J a n ua ry 2 0 0 7 †¢ 7 9 Fig. 2: Circuit of the microcontroller-based visitor counter ConstruCtion Fig. 3: Power supply circuit pins of flip-flop IC2(A) toggles its output to low. On the other hand, the low input at ‘J’ and ‘K’ pins of IC2(B) due to Fig. : Pin clock pin 1 of configuration of L14F1 and IC2(A) and ‘J’ intransistor 2N3904 put (pin 9) and ‘K’ input (pin 12) of IC2(B) are connected to pin 1 of comparator N1. The negative-going pulse is applied to clock pin 6 of IC2(B) when the person interrupts the IR beam from IR TX2. There is no change in the output of IC2(B) flip-flop. This triggers the external interrupt INT0 (pin 12) of microcontroller AT89C52. The AT89C52 is an 8-bit microcontroller with 8 kB of flash-based program memory, 256 bytes of RAM, 32 input/output lines, three 16-bit timers/counters, on-chip oscillator and clock circuitry.A 12MHz crystal is used for providing clock. Ports 0, 1 and 2 are configured for 7-segment displays. Port-0 pin is externally pulled up with 10-kilo-ohm resistor network RNW1 because port0 is an 8-bit, open-drain, bidirectional, input/output (I/O) port. Port-1 and port-2 are 8-bit bidirectional I/O ports with internal pull-ups (no need of external pull-ups). Port pins 3. 0 and 3. 1 are configured to provide the set pulse to J-K flip-flops IC2(A) and IC2(B), respectively. External interrupts INT0 and INT1 receive the interrupt pulse when the person interrupts the IR beams.Resistor R9 and capacitor C5 provide power-on-reset pulse to the microcontroller. Switch S1 is used for manual reset. When the microcontroller is re- set, the flip-flops are brought in ‘set’ state through the microcontroller at software run time by making their ‘set’ pin high for a moment. The value of the counter increments by Fig. 5: An actual-size, single-side PCB for the microcontroller-based visitor ‘1’ when the counter (F ig. 2) including its power supply (Fig. 3) interrupt service routine for INT0 is executed.The output of the corresponding J-K flip-flop is set to ‘high’ again by making its ‘set’ input pin low through the microcontroller. The micro-controller is configured as a negative-edgetriggered interrupt sensor. Similarly, if somebody exits the place, first the IR beam from IR TX2 is interrupted and then the IR beam from IR TX1. When Fig. 6: Component layout for the PCB the beam from IR TX2 is interrupted, output pin provides clock pulse to pin 6 of J-K 7 of comparator N2 goes low. This flip-flop IC2(B). w w w. e f y m ag . co m 8 0 †¢ J a n ua ry 2 0 0 7 †¢ e l e c t ro n i c s f o r yo u ConstruCtionAt this moment, the high input at ‘J’ and ‘K’ pins of flip-flop IC2(B) toggles its output to low. On the other hand, the low input at ‘J’ and ‘K’ pins of IC2(A) due to clock pin 6 of IC2(B) and ‘Jâ€℠¢ input (pin 4) and ‘K’ input (pin 16) of IC2(A) are connected to pin 7 of comparator N2. The negative-going pulse is applied to clock pin 1 of IC2(A) when the person interrupts the IR beam from IR TX1. There is no change in the output of IC2(A) flip-flop. This triggers the external interrupt INT1 (pin 13) of microcontroller AT89C52. The value of the counter decrements by ‘1’ when interrupt service routine for INT1 is executed.The output of the corresponding J-K flip-flop is set to ‘high’ again by making its ‘set’ input pin low through the microcontroller. The circuit is powered by regulated 5V. Fig. 3 shows the circuit of the power supply. The AC mains is stepped down by transformer X1 to deliver secondary output of 7. 5V, 250mA, which is rectified by bridge rectifier BR1, filtered by capacitor C6 and regulated by IC 7805 (IC4). Capacitor C7 bypasses any ripple in the regulated output. 3) is shown in Fig. 5 and its component layou t in Fig. 6. software The software for the visitor counter is written in ‘C’ language and compiled using C51 Keil compiler.The demo version of this compiler is available for free on the website ‘www. keil. com. ’ It can compile programs up to 2 kB only, which is sufficient for writing most programs. EFY note. The source code and other relevant files of this article have been included in this month’s EFY-CD. construction An actual-size, single-side PCB for the microcontroller-based visitor counter (Fig. 2) including its power supply (Fig. visitor. c #include int i=0,j,k,l,m,a[]={63,6,91,79,102,109,125,7,127,111}; void enter (void) interrupt 0 { i++; if(i>999) i=999; P3_1=0; for(m=0;m Microcontroller Based Bidirectional Visitor Counter ConstruCtion Microcontroller-bAsed bidirectionAl Visitor counter UMAR SUNIL K ? AkshAy MAthur, kuldeep singh nAglA V isitor counting is simply a measurement of the visitor traffic entering and exiting offices, malls, sports venues, etc. Counting the visitors helps to maximise the efficiency and effectiveness of employees, floor area and sales potential of an organisation.Visitor counting is not limited to Semiconductors: IC1 – LM324 quad op-amp IC2 – 74LS76 J-K flip-flop IC3 – AT89C52 microcontroller IC4 – 7805 5V regulator T1, T2 – L14F1 npn phototransistor T3, T4 – 2N3904 npn transistor IR TX1, IR TX2 – IR transmitting LED BR1 – 1A bridge rectifier DIS1-DIS3 – LTS543 CC 7-segment display Resistors (all ? -watt,  ±5% carbon): R1, R2 – 68-ohm R3, R4 – 6. 8-kilo-ohm R5, R6 – 100-ohm R7, R8, R10, R11 – 10-kilo-ohm R9 – 4. 7-kilo-ohm R12-R32 – 220-ohm VR1, VR2 – 20-kilo-ohm preset RNW1 – 10-kilo-ohm resistor network Capacitors: C1, C2 C3, C4 C5 C6 C7 Miscellaneous: XTAL X1 S1 S2 – 0.  µF ceramic disk – 33pF ceramic disk – 10 µF, 16V electrolytic – 470 µF, 25V electrolytic – 0. 1 µF ceramic disk – 12MHz crystal – 230V primary to 7. 5V, 250mA secondary transformer – Push-to-on switch – On/off switch Fig. 1: Transmitter-receiver set-up at the entrance-cum-exit of the passage Parts List the entry/exit point of a company but has a wide range of applications that provide information to management on the volume and flow of people throughout a location. A primary method for counting the visitors involves hiring human auditors to stand and manually tally the number of visitors who pass by a certain location.But human-based data collection comes at great expense. Here is a low-cost microcontrollerbased visitor counter that can be used to know the number of persons at a place. All the c omponents required are readily available in the market and the circuit is easy to build. Two IR transmitter-receiver pairs are used at the passage: one pair comprising IR transmitter IR TX1 and receiver phototransistor T1 is installed at the entry point of the passage, while the other pair comprising IR transmitter IR TX2 and phototransistor T2 is installed at the exit of the passage.The IR signals from the IR LEDs should continuously fall on the respective phototransistors, so proper orientation of the transmitters and phototransistors is necessary. circuit description Fig. 1 shows the transmitter-receiver set-up at the entrance-cum-exit of the passage along with block diagram. Two similar sections detect interruption of the IR beam and generate clock pulse for the microcontroller. The microcontroller controls counting and displays the number of persons present inside the hall. Fig. 2 shows the circuit of the microcontroller-based visitor counter, wherein the transmitter and the re ceiver form the IR detection circuit.Control logic is built around transistors, operational amplifier LM324 (IC1) and flip-flop (IC2). When nobody is passing through the entry/exit point, the IR beam continuously falls on phototransistor T1. Phototransistor T1 conducts and the high voltage at its emitter drives transistor T3 into saturation, which makes pin 3 of comparator N1 low and finally output pin 1 of comparator N1 is high. Now if someone enters the place, first the IR beam from IR TX1 is interrupted and then the IR beam from IR TX2. When the beam from IR TX1 is interrupted, phototransistor T1 and transistor T3 cut-off and pin 3 of comparator N1 goes high.The low output (pin 1) of comparator N1 provides negative trigger pulse to pin 1 of J-K flip-flop IC2(A). At this moment, the high input at ‘J’ and ‘K’ w w w. e f y m ag . co m 7 8 †¢ J a n ua ry 2 0 0 7 †¢ e l e c t ro n i c s f o r yo u ConstruCtion w w w. e f y m ag . co m e l e c t ro n i c s f o r yo u †¢ J a n ua ry 2 0 0 7 †¢ 7 9 Fig. 2: Circuit of the microcontroller-based visitor counter ConstruCtion Fig. 3: Power supply circuit pins of flip-flop IC2(A) toggles its output to low. On the other hand, the low input at ‘J’ and ‘K’ pins of IC2(B) due to Fig. : Pin clock pin 1 of configuration of L14F1 and IC2(A) and ‘J’ intransistor 2N3904 put (pin 9) and ‘K’ input (pin 12) of IC2(B) are connected to pin 1 of comparator N1. The negative-going pulse is applied to clock pin 6 of IC2(B) when the person interrupts the IR beam from IR TX2. There is no change in the output of IC2(B) flip-flop. This triggers the external interrupt INT0 (pin 12) of microcontroller AT89C52. The AT89C52 is an 8-bit microcontroller with 8 kB of flash-based program memory, 256 bytes of RAM, 32 input/output lines, three 16-bit timers/counters, on-chip oscillator and clock circuitry.A 12MHz crystal is used for providing clock. Ports 0, 1 and 2 are configured for 7-segment displays. Port-0 pin is externally pulled up with 10-kilo-ohm resistor network RNW1 because port0 is an 8-bit, open-drain, bidirectional, input/output (I/O) port. Port-1 and port-2 are 8-bit bidirectional I/O ports with internal pull-ups (no need of external pull-ups). Port pins 3. 0 and 3. 1 are configured to provide the set pulse to J-K flip-flops IC2(A) and IC2(B), respectively. External interrupts INT0 and INT1 receive the interrupt pulse when the person interrupts the IR beams.Resistor R9 and capacitor C5 provide power-on-reset pulse to the microcontroller. Switch S1 is used for manual reset. When the microcontroller is re- set, the flip-flops are brought in ‘set’ state through the microcontroller at software run time by making their ‘set’ pin high for a moment. The value of the counter increments by Fig. 5: An actual-size, single-side PCB for the microcontroller-based visitor ‘1’ when the counter (F ig. 2) including its power supply (Fig. 3) interrupt service routine for INT0 is executed.The output of the corresponding J-K flip-flop is set to ‘high’ again by making its ‘set’ input pin low through the microcontroller. The micro-controller is configured as a negative-edgetriggered interrupt sensor. Similarly, if somebody exits the place, first the IR beam from IR TX2 is interrupted and then the IR beam from IR TX1. When Fig. 6: Component layout for the PCB the beam from IR TX2 is interrupted, output pin provides clock pulse to pin 6 of J-K 7 of comparator N2 goes low. This flip-flop IC2(B). w w w. e f y m ag . co m 8 0 †¢ J a n ua ry 2 0 0 7 †¢ e l e c t ro n i c s f o r yo u ConstruCtionAt this moment, the high input at ‘J’ and ‘K’ pins of flip-flop IC2(B) toggles its output to low. On the other hand, the low input at ‘J’ and ‘K’ pins of IC2(A) due to clock pin 6 of IC2(B) and ‘Jâ€℠¢ input (pin 4) and ‘K’ input (pin 16) of IC2(A) are connected to pin 7 of comparator N2. The negative-going pulse is applied to clock pin 1 of IC2(A) when the person interrupts the IR beam from IR TX1. There is no change in the output of IC2(A) flip-flop. This triggers the external interrupt INT1 (pin 13) of microcontroller AT89C52. The value of the counter decrements by ‘1’ when interrupt service routine for INT1 is executed.The output of the corresponding J-K flip-flop is set to ‘high’ again by making its ‘set’ input pin low through the microcontroller. The circuit is powered by regulated 5V. Fig. 3 shows the circuit of the power supply. The AC mains is stepped down by transformer X1 to deliver secondary output of 7. 5V, 250mA, which is rectified by bridge rectifier BR1, filtered by capacitor C6 and regulated by IC 7805 (IC4). Capacitor C7 bypasses any ripple in the regulated output. 3) is shown in Fig. 5 and its component layou t in Fig. 6. software The software for the visitor counter is written in ‘C’ language and compiled using C51 Keil compiler.The demo version of this compiler is available for free on the website ‘www. keil. com. ’ It can compile programs up to 2 kB only, which is sufficient for writing most programs. EFY note. The source code and other relevant files of this article have been included in this month’s EFY-CD. construction An actual-size, single-side PCB for the microcontroller-based visitor counter (Fig. 2) including its power supply (Fig. visitor. c #include int i=0,j,k,l,m,a[]={63,6,91,79,102,109,125,7,127,111}; void enter (void) interrupt 0 { i++; if(i>999) i=999; P3_1=0; for(m=0;m

Tuesday, July 30, 2019

Nanotechnology Use in Fire Protection †Need for Environmental Friendliness Essay

There is a serious need to develop a more effective fire protection technology as the morbidities and the mortalities from the current seem to be rather insufficient. However, the nanotechnology fire protection industry is still in the infancy stage, developing solutions that are out of reach of the common man today. Nanotechnology is not only found to increase the durability, strength and efficiency of the material, but also increase it fire resistance along with self-cleansing action. A great number of fire-retarders have nanotechnology incorporated. A checklist needs to be prepared that would be required by the end user to ensure adequate protection of human life and the environment. Nanotechnology can also help in the detection and prevention of fires. The technology seems to be promising with various applications. However, only if the stakeholders become more interested would this technology become cheaper and permit more extensive use. Introduction Due to the serious impact of fire on the mortality, morbidity (burns, etc) and the losses to property, there is an urgent need for fire protection considering the overcrowding in cities and the serious impact of fires on the environment. In the year 2003, about 70 billion Euros were lost over fire damages, and hence, people are trying to build fire resistant buildings with both active and passive features (Innovations Report, 2004). Nanotechnology currently has a very small market segment as more and more fire-resistant materials and electronics are being used to tackle fire problems. In the Beijing Olympics concluded in the year 2008, fire protection was adequately provided in various sports construction sites by the use of Nanotechnology. There are more than 48 different applications in fire protection with nanotechnology. Some of the common applications required in fire protection include smoke detectors, alarm systems, resistant building material, etc, and nanotechnology has held strong promises in curbing some of the problems of the future (Innovations Report, 2004). In the year 2004, the nanotechnology market in the fire segment was 30 billion dollars, and is expected to almost double within a decade of introduction. As molecules can appropriately be modified to make them more fire-resistant, companies around the world are increasingly creating these modifications. Each year the nanotechnology market grows by about 25%. Nanotechnology is also said to be environmentally-friendly. China is said to be the current leader in the use of nanotechnology in fire protection (Innovations Report, 2004). The EPA is also supporting research in the use of nanotechnology for fire protection and safety. In February 2007, the EPA published a White paper on Nanotechnology and considered the same to help in preventing pollution to the environment. The White paper also focused on responsible use of nanotechnology by using recycling of the same and also ensures that the same was not toxic to the populations (EPA, 2007). Using nanotechnology has several advantages in reducing pollution & ill-effects on the environment:- 1. Reducing any waste substances that are released into the environment, 2. Using substances that are not so toxic, 3. Using conservative methods that could effectively reduce pollution and also recycling and reusing material, thus effectively preventing wastes 4. Increase in the general surface area of the article 5. Improvement in the strength of the material without considerable increase in the weight 6. Materials that use less raw materials and lesser electricity during manufacture 7. Changes to the electrical conductivity, color and opaqucity of the materials 8. Products that are used become less self-cleansing can be used 9. there would be a reduced need to have chemicals that would retard flames and fires 10. Components that are used in construction of automobiles can become more resistant to wear and tear, erosion and fatigue 11. Nanoscale catalysts can effectively help to reduce pollution 12. using the nanoscale catalysts, raw materials would be utilized more efficiently and reduced amounts of wastes would be generated (EPA, 2007) Advantages of Nanotechnology with reference to fire protection Body Nanotechnology involves the use small particles of materials or manipulating them in such a way that their properties would be enhanced, with potential application on a larger scale especially for construction purposes. Nanotechnology involves creating these modifications at ten to the power of -9 of a meter or the nanometer level. It is a new science with more recent applications and can be considered to be an extension of work that has been occurring on a microscopic level (micrometer). Processes and products with concrete, steel, glass, and composites are using nanotechnology. The concrete that would be used can be manipulated easily and is more durable, stronger and environmentally-friendly. Steel and glass can become tougher. Once, these materials are stronger, durable, and tougher, and their manipulation is improved, the impact on the environment would also be positive as the materials are more efficient. Not only is the process of manufacture improved by using nanotechnology, but also during actual fabrication or manipulation at the construction site (Mann, 2006). Most of the nanotechnology applications have been held back due to the limitations in costs. Nanotechnology is quite expensive for the modern world to incorporate due to the infancy of technology. With costs of using the same very high and rather very limited applications, many people prefer ignoring nanotechnology, resulting in isolation. Researchers feel that within the next five years, there could be significant use of nanotechnology in the field of constructions and others, such that application of the same would not be so exorbitant. Nanotechnology at the moment requires strong funding for research and motivation. The government needs to take an active role in the same with interest in improving the current environmental degradation. Besides, researchers and the industry need to collaborate more strongly. There should be a strong thirst for innovation such that nanotechnology should be applied with greater force (Mann, 2006). With the introduction of any kind of new technology, importance should be given to the life-cycle of the products, toxicity of the product and exposure that could be occurring to both humans and others in the environment. With relation to the life-cycle several factors need to be taken into consideration including design, level of production, application of the product, disposal, disintegration in the environment, etc. At the users end, a checklist need to be utilized that would ensure that enough of prevention is taking place in protecting the environment and human life. Some of the queries that can form a part of this checklist include:- ? Steps need to be taken to reduce the unintended consequences of the life-cycle of the product ? Real-time application of the products that can prevent pollution ? Barriers that are present for adopting nanotechnology in the modern world ? Methods of overcoming these barriers ? Areas of nanotechnology in which further research needs to be performed ? Manner in which the beneficial properties of nanotechnology can be used to create innovative products that can reduce pollution ? Role the regulatory bodies, courts and the government can perform (EPA, 2007) Today, the walls of homes and offices have huge amounts of lead in the paints and often this can be toxic during use or disposal. Nanotechnology and nanoengineering can help improve the composition of these materials such that they are less toxic to human health and the environment. Today, the impact of floods and erosion beaches are very critical considering the ill-effects of global warming. By changing the way natural materials function at the nanoscale, their environmental-friendliness can be improved (EPA, 2007). Not only would nanotechnology help in reducing the carbon dioxide levels by changing how the material works at the nanoscale, but also help the way in which a building is using energy (EPA, 2007). The same modification to cement can effectively help in fire protection as spray-on coats. The present cements that are being used are very brittle and need polymers to make them more adhesive. With modifications at the nanoscale to cement, they are stronger, more durable and can tolerate high temperatures when present in coats. Effectively carbon nanotubes (CNT’s) are mixed with cement material to mimic something similar to composites with high strength. Another option instead of using CNT’s is polypropylene which is a cheaper option and can improve fire protection (Mann, 2006). Using nanotechnology, better solar cells can be manufactured that are more efficient and cheaper. Besides, nanotechnology can help in heat recovery and also in treatment of water and air at the building. However, these technologies are not current and scientists are suggesting that they can be used, although we have already woken up to the dawn of the future (EPA, 2007). The self-assembly of buildings can be improved using nanotechnology. Molecules can be designed into complementary shapes such that they produce only minimum energy, which effectively helps in fire prevetion (Mann, 2006). Nanotechnology also plays an important role in fire hazard management and prevention. Today having a nanocomposite as one of the materials present in the flame retardant has been considered an advantage. Cross linked systems that provide polyureas and polyurethane foams seem effective in controlling fires. Another new tool that has been developed to combat flames is confocal microscopy (used in chemical analysis and material testing by collecting the light that is in focus and excluding light out of focus) (Leica, 2010). Previously, all the flame retardant systems had certain toxic components that could harm human life and have a negative effect on the environment. However, flexible and rigid polyurethane structures have been used in a number of applications such as furniture, mattresses, carpets, cars, aircrafts, etc. By altering them at the nanoscale, their resistance to fire can be improved. Previously, the open cell structures of the foams prevented stability during fire fighting. Even additives that increase the foam stability would have a negative effect on the environment. These additives include halogens and phosphorus based compounds that have a negative effect over human health. As most of these substances are volatile, during fire fighting, the high temperature would cause evaporation of these materials causing more damage to the environment (EPA, 2007). Nanotechnology can also be used to develop nano-electromechanical systems and circuitry that would connect detectors at various places in the buildings. The nano-devices would be effectively embedded into surfaces and would be able to detect fire easily (Mann, 2006). Another application of nanotechnology for fire protection is in nanoclays that can help to lower the rate at which plastics burn as it can increase the char forming abilities and prevents plastics from melting and dripping. When used along with other flame retardants, there is more effective fire retardation (EPA, 2007). With regards to fire protection specifically certain queries need to be answered in the checklist:- ? Extracting of raw materials during processing should not be damaging to the environment ? Emission of nanomaterial to the environment ? Reaction or additives to polymers ? Nanomaterials properties during use ? Exposure of nanomaterials to the industrial workers during manufacture ? Reaction of nanomaterials to light, heat, dust, etc ? Ability to recycle the nanomaterials ? Protection of workers during manufacture ? Nanomaterials during combustion and burning ? Ability to transport the nanomaterial ? Effects of exposing the user to nanomaterial A company by name GreenShield FR has developed a nanomaterial treatment for several groups of materials including polyester so that the material can become fire resistant as well as provide protection from water and staining. There are three sets of coat which are applied of the nanomaterial onto the surface. The first layer helps the nanomaterial to adhere to the parent material. The second layer offers repellency and self-cleansing action, and the third layer offers fire-resistance. At the end, the entire material is non-flammable. When these materials degrade they do not release any kind of toxic material into the environment. Nanoclays on the other hand help to lower the amount of energy that is liberated during fire. The nanoclays prevent the materials from bursting and disintegrating and further adding to the fire that has been activated. Nanoclays ensures that the materials burn slowly and at a lower temperature and can work along with several fire retardants (Betts, 2008). Conclusion Nanotechnology is offering strong promises to the field of fire protection, although very little is being utilized today due to the exorbitant costs of nanomaterials. However, these materials are not only more effective and safer, but also more environmentally-friendly. Within the next five years, with greater innovations and understanding of nanotechnology it would be easier to use this technology. Using nanotechnology, materials not only become fire-resistant but also stronger, durable and better self-cleansing. Using nanotechnology, fire cannot only be prevented and retarded, but also monitored and detected using nano-electromechanical detectors. The future for nanotechnology looks good, but researchers and academic organizations should continue with their search to make this technology more affordable and effective. References Betts K. S. (2008). â€Å"New Thinking on Flame Retardants. † Environ Health Perspect. 2008 May; 116(5): A210–A213. http://www. ncbi. nlm. nih. gov/pmc/articles/PMC2367656/ EMBL (2010). Leica Manual, Retrieved on July 10, 2010, from Web site: http://www. embl. de/ExternalInfo/almf/htdocs/almf_website/pdf/TCS_SP2_09052000. pdf EPA (2007). Pollution Prevention through Nanotechnology Conference, Retrieved on July 10, 2010, from Web site: http://www. epa. gov/oppt/nano/p2docs/final_nano-conf-brochure. pdf Innovations Report (2004). Nanotechnology in Fire Protection can save Life and secure Health, Retrieved on July 10, 2010, from Web site: http://www. innovations-report. com/html/reports/studies/report-29292. html Mann, S. (2006). Nanotechnology and Construction, Retrieved on July 10, 2010, from Web site: http://nanotech. law. asu. edu/Documents/2009/10/Nanotech%20and%20Construction%20Nanoforum%20report_259_9089. pdf Occupational Health & Safety (2010). Microtechnology vs. Nanotechnology, Retrieved on July 10, 2010, from Web site: http://ohsonline. com/articles/2010/01/01/microtechnology-vs-nanotechnology. aspx PHYSORG (2010). Chemist monitors nanotechnology’s environmental impact, Retrieved on July 10, 2010, from Web site: http://www. physorg. com/news188736302. html

Monday, July 29, 2019

Abdominal Aortic Aneurysm Ultrasound Screening Programme

Abdominal Aortic Aneurysm Ultrasound Screening Programme Susmi Suresh Role of the National Abdominal Aortic Aneurysm Ultrasound Screening Programme in Improving Health Outcomes: a systematic review Abstract Background: Abdominal Aortic Aneurysm (AAA) is one of the common conditions that affect men aged 65 and older. Described as a ‘ticking bomb’ (1) , rupture of such an aneurysm results in fatal bleeding and death. Early detection allows appropriate treatment to be given to patients as an effort to reduce mortality rates. The National Abdominal Aortic Aneurysm Screening programme, an initiative of Public Health England, offers screening to men in the prevalence group by following its objective of reducing mortality rates of preventable illnesses (2) . Ultrasonography is the chosen imaging modality due to its high sensitivity and specificity (3) . The aim of this study is to examine current literature on AAA and to understand whether screening programmes are effective enough to reduce mortality rates of AAA. Quality of life (QoL) as a health outcome will also be examined and evidence analysed, to see whether screening programmes affect patients’ quality of life. Method: A thorough search of prominent databases was carried out and the search-results underwent application of inclusion and exclusion criteria developed for this review. Four major randomised controlled trials were identified. Following data extraction, quality assessment was carried out using the CASP tool. Risk of bias was checked using the Cochrane’s tool for assessing risk of bias. All of these ensured a valid conclusion to be drawn.   Results: The four chosen RCTs were the MASS trial, the Chichester trial, the Viborg trial and the WA trial. The Mass and Chichester trials were conducted in the UK whereas the Viborg and WA trials were carried out in Denmark and Australia, respectively. The data pool of 125595 people added to the reliability of the findings of this review. A significant reduction in mortality rates of AA A was found in the intervention groups following an ultrasound screening of the abdominal aorta (4-7) . QoL was looked at as the secondary outcome in the MASS trial which concluded that there was no adverse effect on QoL (4) . Conclusion: The review showed evidence on reduced AAA mortality rates in men aged 65 and older following ultrasound screening. No adverse effect in patients’ QoL was found. The NAAASP is a commendable initiative of Public Health England and it is suggested that similar screening programmes be introduced through an evidence-based healthcare. Introduction       An aneurysm forms when a section of a weakened arterial wall dilates permanently. The walls of an artery can weaken and dilate due to cardiovascular diseases like arteriosclerosis, inflammation of the arterial wall or trauma. When this dilation occurs in the abdominal aorta, which runs from T12 to L5, it is considered to be an Abdominal Aortic Aneurysm (AAA)(8). Several studies have found smo king, hypertension and alcohol consumption to be the major risk factors of AAA(9). A family history of AAA is also considered to be a risk factor(10). AAA is age and sex-dependent as concluded by a retrospective prevalence study that looked at a cohort of 100,000 men and women each. The prevalence among men was found to increase rapidly after the age of 55 and that among women increases after the age of 70(11). Therefore, women are considered to be at low risk of developing AAA and hence screening programmes focus on a male population of 65 years or older(12).

Sunday, July 28, 2019

E-recruitment practices Literature review Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 3250 words

E-recruitment practices - Literature review Example The Internet explosion and the high trend towards the digital environment have also moved recruitment to the online environment. Poorangi, Razavi and Rahmani (2011:74) define e-recruitment as the use of information technology in the recruitment process, to speed it up, improve it and ensure efficiency in recruitments. Barber (2006:1) refers to it as online recruitment, web-based recruitment or internet recruitment. Currently, a wide array of organizations has e-recruitment portals in their websites, or they conduct online recruitment through online job boards. Research done by institute of Employment studies (Barber, 2006:3) showed that most organisations use some form of online recruiting with most of them allowing applicants to apply for the jobs through corporate career sites. This research also projected that the only form of recruitment in the next decade would be through e-recruitment as more ways of making recruitment more efficient are developed. With increased efficiencies and competitiveness in the way that organisations acquire talented employees, e-recruitment practices between organisations differ in various ways. This is based on the kind of employees sought, the type of organisation and the cultural aspect of the targeted population. Therefore, e -recruitment is a process of hiring employees through internet enabled online electronic systems, such as websites. In order to use e- recruitment, it is important to have a system for administering the hiring process and enable targeted applicants to submit their details electronically. (Elkington, 2005). Thus, e- recruitment involves application of various electronic mediums such as websites, internet and online recruitment systems to hire employees in an organization. This study seeks to examine and evaluate the e-recruitment practices in employing customer service staff in Lloyds TSB in the UK and those in employing customer service staff in Bank ICICI in India. The study also seeks to examine the factors that influence e-recruitment practices, the importance of e-recruitment practices, and the role of culture in recruitment practises Factors that influence e-recruitment practices and importance of e-recruitment practices Before investigating factors that influence e-recruitment practices, it is important to examine the effects of the process on new recruitment methods. Conventional recruitment methods apply formal procedures such as job advertisement. The methods begin by determining the required applicants and their location in the job market. Then, the recruiting department embarks on the activities of attracting and persuading applicants to apply the advertised job vacancy through medium such as newspapers, magazines, radio, magazines and TV among others. When the paper applications are received, they are sorted and shortlisted. They are filed and registered to enhance assessment and monitoring during recruitment process. This is followed by com municating to the shortlisted candidates for a formal interview and further assessments. Similarly, formal letters are sent to unsuccessful applicants (Aurelia & Fallery, 2010). E-recruitment comprises of three major steps, namely attracting, sorting and contacting the successful candidates (Elkington, 2005). To attract candidates, the recruiting firm designs web pages, which apply electronic networks to advertise and locate potential applicants on the internet and online databases. Potential applicants

Grounded theory approach Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words

Grounded theory approach - Research Paper Example Lost potential to manage muscles in the hand is an example and has many effects on the individuals. A person with Fine Motor Skill Disability may for example not be able to hold a pen firmly and write with it or even function effectively in physical activities that engage the affected muscles (Nicholls and Jones, 2012). Emerging trends in technology can however empower this population and this paper explores the population’s experience with technology to develop a theory on empowerment effect of technology on the population’s ability to participate in graphic design. In order to explore the research questions, the study will use a list of students with Fine Motor Skill Disability, from an academic institution, to generate a corresponding list of the students’ parents and teachers. Stratified random sampling will then generate a sample of 25 participants from the three groups with 11 participants being students with the disability. Interviews and observations will be used in data collection. The students will be interviewed on their experiences and opinion over derived benefits of technology in graphic design and their successful implementation of technology in design observed. Interviews will however be used in collecting data from the parents and teachers regarding effects of technology on the disabled students’ attitude and success in graphic design (Johnson and Chrisensen,

Saturday, July 27, 2019

The Scientific Proof behind Marijuana Effects on Humans Essay

The Scientific Proof behind Marijuana Effects on Humans - Essay Example The debate on the legalization of marijuana to be used as a medical substance has lasted for a very long time whereby there are those who are for the legalization of marijuana for medical purposes, and there are others who strongly are against its legalization. The argument on either side is based on the benefits and risks associated with such a move whereby those who think that legalizing marijuana for medical use is beneficial to support its legalization, however, those who think that it would be riskier to legalize marijuana oppose the move. In order to understand the raging debate over legalization of marijuana, it is critical to understand the different views expressed by both sides and it is only after establishing the underlying points and issues that we can be able to have an insight into the debate surrounding marijuana in the USA. There are advantages of marijuana as espoused by the supporters of its legalization whereby the scientific studies have proved that marijuana has some medical value. This is not a new idea because marijuana has been used in the past for medical purposes in the treatment of various ailments classified under therapeutic and palliative groups. In addition to that, smoked cannabis is not only safe but is also effective in the treatment and management of diseases and conditions such as; nausea, pain, AIDs-related weight loss, and palliative care diseases. Nevertheless, marijuana usually makes a person feel high, or have a sense of well being that is why it is abused.

Friday, July 26, 2019

Blast Injuries Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2000 words

Blast Injuries - Essay Example Upon detonation, a high explosive undergoes an almost instantaneous conversion into a gas at extremely high temperature and pressure. Rapidly, these high pressure gases expand generating a marked pressure wave known as the blast wave, which moves outward in every direction resulting into an abrupt shattering blow on everything in the immediate surroundings (Bailey and Murray, 1989). The blast wave inflicts on individuals in the surroundings injuries that are known as blast injuries, which this paper discusses. The blast wave is an intense rise in pressure that the detonation of a high explosive creates. In the ambient environment, the pressure rises almost instantly followed by an exponential decay and may have a brief reduced-barometric pressure period. The peak pressure as well as the period that the initial positive blast phase covers is dependent on the distance from the detonation centre (blast epicentre) and the explosion size. Energy transfer from the blast wave to bodies or objects in its path takes place causing damage (Elsayed, 2007). Below is a diagram showing a typical pressure/ blast wave. One may characterize explosive devices on the basis of their source. The bureau of Firearms, Tobacco and Alcohol classifies explosives into improvised and manufactured. While an improvised explosive denotes utilization of weapons fabricated in small quantities, devices used outside of their intended purposes, or alternative materials; a manufactured explosive entails a standard, quality tested and mass produced weapon. It is important to note that if somebody with training in explosives designs an ‘improvised’ explosive device, it may be professional in form and its operation may be somewhat lethal. In fact, high quality improvised explosive devices may bear a resemblance to military weapons both in appearance and effect (Bailey and Murray, 1989). The degree and

Thursday, July 25, 2019

(Geology) Tsunami Threat in California Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words

(Geology) Tsunami Threat in California - Essay Example In the history of Tsunami, the 2004 Indian Ocean Tsunami was one of the deadliest disasters that killed over 230,000 people in 14 countries near the Indian Ocean. Although researchers have identified the causes and other characteristics of this natural disaster, many facts about Tsunami still remain undiscovered. This paper will discuss the â€Å"Tsunami threat in California† in detail. Geological surveys have identified that most of the faults in the United States, specifically in California, are strike slip faults. In addition, the presence of dip slip faults also has been discovered in California (State of California, 1992). In geology, a fault indicates a discontinuity in a large volume of rock and this discontinuity or planar fracture often causes notable displacements during the times of an earth movement. Strike slip faults can be simply defined as a motion which is parallel to the strike of the fault and sometimes it is referred to as side by side motion. Strike slip faults characterized with left lateral motion are called sinistral faults while those resemble a right lateral motion fall under the category of dextral faults. In contrast, dip slip faults represent fractures where the blocks are shifted almost vertically. In the case of dip slip faults, a downward motion is termed as normal and an upward motion is known as reverse. A fault that includes the components of both strike slip and dip slip is commonly referred to as an oblique slip fault. It has been identified that both the strike slip faults and dip slip faults may lead to earthquakes and thereby tsunamis. Earthquakes associated with strike slip faults and reverse slip faults can have the potential to cause powerful tsunamis because most of such earthquakes generally hit with a magnitude of 8 or more and it has been observed that energy released during an earthquake is proportional to the

Wednesday, July 24, 2019

ABC Development Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2000 words

ABC Development - Assignment Example The housing project was scheduled to begin on January 1, 2013 and to be completed in the first few days of the month of December 2013. However, the construction process was delayed by 1 week. The planning process also realized delays of about 3 weeks. In total, delays in the schedule were 4 weeks (approximately 1 month). The planning permission was to commence on March 1, 2013 while construction was to begin a month later (April 1). It means that the first complete housing units were to be rescheduled to the end of October. The sales process should have started on November 1, 2013. The sales would remain at the same rate indicated earlier in the feasibility study since the shifts in house sales have not affected the current revised rate. It remains at 2 housing units sold per month. However, completing the sales would be realized three in February 2014. There are changes on the interest rate charged by the financial institution responsible for the funding of the housing project. With the increase in the rates of interest, loan facility would have to be viable until the end of February 2014. The simple interest would have to be scaled to 1.3% or simply 1% because of the 0.8% rise in the simple interest rates. The interest on the loan facility remains at the original schedule of a quarterly model in arrears. The developer’s cash will be used to pay it out. Roll-ups will not be allowed on the payments. The commitment fee of  £5000 will not be affected by scaling up the interest or the changes in planning and construction schedules. It will still be paid once the loan has been processed. The disposal fee of  £500 per housing sold will also remain unchanged. The funding of construction costs in a revolving basis will not be affected by the changes. It will remain at  £525,000. The remaining land cost ( £80,000) and

Tuesday, July 23, 2019

Identify and describe 4 additional items that can be added to improve Assignment

Identify and describe 4 additional items that can be added to improve the STEP criteria for assessment of SOCIAL,ECONOMIC,ENVIRONMENTAL,impacts - Assignment Example Apart from the internal green team, which oversees the institutions sustainability initiatives (David,2011), the company should establish external independent evaluators who will constantly inform the management on the progress towards achievement of sustainability activities and strategies. The business entity should have a written service delivery charter, which shows the standards of service delivery which the business pledges to the community especially for offsite tourism activities. This should supplement the business code of conduct as indicated in the STEP criteria(Patterson, 2005). This is a good framework for a sustainable business development as it provides a criterion for both the business its customers and the community to evaluate the performance of the business. There should be a well set communication plan which indicates the mechanism through which the entity cascades its sustainability plan to the community. Chief among them is through the organization of a get together of the business management, employees and stakeholders. As such, the business should come up with a plan showing how often such activities will be held and consequently adhere to its plan. This can be evaluated by ascertaining the existence of such a plan at the time of evaluation. To ensure that there is proper monitoring of the sustainability plan, the business should formulate the policy or strategy implementation matrix. The matrix should indicate the employees and stakeholders involved in its implementation, and the time frame and resources required. In addition, it should indicate the economic implication to all stakeholders involved. This is vital in ensuring that the local community can ascertain their benefit if they assist in achievement of entities objectives. The existing STEP criterion indicates that the company should indicate the volume of garbage it recycles. However, it is important for the

Taxation in the U. S. Essay Example for Free

Taxation in the U. S. Essay Taxation is one of the ways through which governments collect revenues to fund different operations important for their functioning. The tax is obtained from several income sources including personal income tax, national sales tax, Social Security payroll tax, Capital gains taxes. Canadian has high levels of taxation, and conservatives are advancing proposals for a flat or single-rate tax. The Dick Armey plan of tax reform. in the U. S. tax system, intends to scrap virtually all current deductions, credits, exclusions and exemptions, as well as the five current tax brackets and in their place establish a single 17 percent tax rate on a much broader tax base. Under the current tax system, more than one-half of all personal income goes untaxed because of various deductions, exclusions and exemptions. For business a 17 Percent tax base would consist of total receipts less cash wages and purchases of goods, services and materials used in business, as well as all capital equipment. It would eliminate the inequities of the current system, promote growth and improve fairness and simplicity. To me Dick Army tax plan is a noble idea that will create the revenues, bring uniformity and broaden the tax bracket. The Universal service is more concerned with issues of improving the U. S national security preventing the permanent threat of terrorism and closes the growing social and political differences between servicemen and civilians that began with loopholes in the Vietnam draft. But this has not yet been achieved for the fact that, the news media has problems covering the military operations because there are so few journalists with military experience. Today, we would include specialties such as emergency medical service, firefighting, communication and civil defense to the training so as to improve the Civil-Military Gap. The gap goes far beyond a simple reporter-source conflict to a rift between military and civilian society. Very few journalists today have served in the military. The old thought that a good reporter is good anywhere doesnt apply in the complexities of the modern world. Its hard to make sense of an operation if you think a Navy captain and an Army captain have the same rank. To avoid these news organizations will make their best efforts to assign experienced journalists to combat operations and to make them familiar with U. S. military operations. That means special training. The preparation of the U. S. military to fight a sustained war against terrorism is encouraging. To conclude news organization must to employ journalists with expertise in military operations and this will keep the civilians well informed. The issue of immigration is putting the government on pressure since the Hispanics who are 31million have moved to cities and strained local governments trying to serve long-time residents. Since the Hispanic are none English speaking, the police department struggle to find Spanish-speaking officers is a positive step towards ensuring equity and justice prevails in the in major metropolitan areas particularly in the West and South where states are grappling with over-crowding . The nations non-Hispanic white population, now the largest, is expected to grow the slowest in the next 30 years, while the Hispanic population will represent 44 percent of the 72 million additional people in the U. S. this is expected to overstretch the learning facilities with half of the students who dont speak English, this means that the school curriculum may require reforms to accommodate the huge number of students joining them. An influx of immigrants is blamed for job losses and higher housing costs. My feeling is that city councils must plan very fast so as to provide the required services to the residents. Reference http://www. ncpa. org/ba/ba136. html http://www. ncpa. org/pd/immigrat/effects. html http://www. ncpa. org/iss/nat/pd102601f. html

Monday, July 22, 2019

Strategic information system of Meena Bazar Essay Example for Free

Strategic information system of Meena Bazar Essay Acknowledgement After going through a lot of limitation finally I was able to do a fruitful assignment on the strategic information management system of â€Å"Meena Bazar†. I would like to thank our honorable course teacher for her support and proper guideline that helped me a lot make a successful report. Special thanks to the Meena Bazar authority for their infarctions which helped me a lot to be successful in making the report. Acknowledgement After going through a lot of limitation finally I was able to do a fruitful assignment on the strategic information management system of â€Å"Meena Bazar†. I would like to thank our honorable course teacher for her support and proper guideline that helped me a lot make a successful report. Special thanks to the Meena Bazar authority for their infarctions which helped me a lot to be successful in making the report . Also thanks go the Wikipedia and other websites authorities fromwhere found lots of useful information. INTRODUCTION Meena Bazar is a well developed super shopin Dhaka City. It is a retailer of the daily goods includes all thefast moving consumer goodslike household, groceries,stationeries and cosmetics, etc.It offer clean and  friendlyenvironment with a wide rangeof quality products at affordableprices and it has become the primary channel for distribution of foods and other household effects on the consumers. Super shop  is to achieve the leading positionin superstore business of the country through excellence product and servicewith affordable price by implementing proper information technology. Scopes of the shop There are some scopes for the super shop to extend, such as; It is the only one organized super shop in the local market. There is more demand for such business in the local market. It can retail the quality products at the most lowest price in themarket. There is a chance to develop more outlets throughout the city. Thatis because; Demand to super shop is being increased day by day in city. Target Market Their target customers are those in the upper, upper middle and middleclass .It has a longer-term vision to target a customer base and include peoplefrom the lower income group.

Sunday, July 21, 2019

PZT Material for Excessive Vibration

PZT Material for Excessive Vibration In this study it is designed and implemented a robust control technique to suppress excessive vibration and also perform health monitoring of a structure using a single piece of PZT material. The main idea is to use sliding mode controller to achieve the vibration suppression, impedance-based structural health monitoring technique, and to implement sliding mode observer to prevent any undesirable interaction between the health monitoring system and the control system, when they are implemented together. The usage of smart materials to perform nondestructive assessment of structures is of great interest to civil engineering and other engineering fields, since the integrity of the structure is not compromised. In addition, the modern each day more flexible structures bring to researchers in the field the need to find alternatives in vibration suppression.   Implementing health monitoring together with vibration control is therefore the combination of these two need in a practical and economic manner, in the sense that uses the smart materials and control devices/techniques. Smart materials have the ability of changing their properties when subjected to certain external conditions, such as electric or magnetic fields, for example. In this study the smart material used is in the form of piezoelectric patches. The health monitoring technique used in this research is the impedance-based health monitoring, which is based in changes in the structural impedance. The fundamental idea of this approach is to screen the changes in structural mechanical impedance brought on by damage. An experimental set up was performed in a free-free aluminum bar in order to check the applicability of this method. In this experiment, five pairs of PZT patches had been attached to the bar and an electrical impedance analyzer measured the electrical impedance. Damage was simulated by attaching two ten millimeters bolts between the third and the fourth PZT patch. As far as the control technique goes, it is implemented a sliding mode controller, which is designed to attain a robust v ibration control performance in the presence of the uncertainties and disturbances. Sliding mode control is a nonlinear control strategy that adjusts the dynamics of a nonlinear system by forcing the system to slide alongside a surface of the systems regular behavior. One problem this study has to deal with is the health monitoring signal that enters the feedback control loop, since the same PZT patch is used to simultaneously perform health monitoring and to sense the control system in the feedback control loop. In order to try to solve this issue, a sliding mode observer is designed. In order to evaluate the feasibility of the method proposed, both experimental and numerical studies were performed to a single cantilever beam. The controller and observer were designed based on the four lower vibration modes of the beam. The experimental set-up performed to assess the impedance-based health monitoring technique showed that a great change in impedance happens in the region where damage occurs. The experimental and numerical results showed the sliding mode observer was capable of filter the high frequency content that comes from the health monitoring, and the sliding mode control was able to suppress successfully the excessive vibration even after disturbances were introduced. The results from both numerical study and experimental set-up show that this integrated approach can provide significant vibration suppression, while simultaneously detecting damage. The research is important in the sense that brings together the concepts of health monitoring and structural control, and confirms the feasibility of this using sliding mode control/observer and impedance-based health monitoring. However, the study has that are some weaknesses, for example, not much detail is providing regarding the health monitoring of the experimental set-up of the cantilever beam, only vibration suppression results. Also, is not very clear if the results shown are from experimental or analytical evaluation. Only impulse response was verified in this study, and it would be interesting to see how the control behaves in the presence of different types of more complex loads, such as seismic. It is not practical or economically possible to use 4 to 5 PZT patches to every beam a complex civil engineering structure, so the study fails to address how to choose the location of the patches so they can be enough to suppress vibration and detect damage to a more complex struc ture, such as a building.

Saturday, July 20, 2019

Loneliness in William Faulkners A Rose For Emily and Anton Chekhovs Misery :: A Rose for Emily, William Faulkner

Loneliness in William Faulkner's A Rose For Emily and Anton Chekhov's Misery Although the authors, setting, and time period of each story is unique, the character of Miss Emily in "A Rose For Emily" by William Faulkner and Iona in "Misery" by Anton Chekhov share much in common.   Iona and Emily spent their entire lives searching for fulfillment. At the end of their lives they are still lonely souls - never achieving fulfillment. It is so terrible with "A Rose For Emily," the horrible feelings come up immediately when the story ends with two dead bodies in the old and dirty house. One is Homer Barron, Emily's lover. The other is Emily herself. What a pity for a woman like Emily. No, Emily is not really a woman. She is just a child (or a daughter). Since being born, her life was framed strictly by her selfish father." Miss Emily, a slender figure in white in the background, her father a large silhouette in the foreground, his back to her and clutching a horsewhip, the two of them framed by the back-flung front door." Miss Emily could not find her own real life. And then her father died. Everyone in town was very pleased that Emily might have a chance to be happy from then on. But very shortly after the shock of her father's death, Emily had another shock when her sweetheart left her alone and went away. Nobody was expecting that. Poor Emily! She was just a little girl having no experience over thirty years of age. Homer, the young man that everyone believed would marry her, was just a liar, as well. And as a result, Emily killed Homer and lay beside his dead body for years. At the age of forty, Emily was still a child -- an old child with loneliness and unfulfilled soul. William Faulkner introduces the story with the gathering of the whole town at Emily's death. The author marks a big curious question for all readers. What happened and how? Then he goes back to the past of Miss Emily, leading us to travel around the closed time circle of her life: present back to past and past to present. This is an unusual order. The normal time order consists the progression of the human being from birth through youth, to age and final death. The confusion that Faulkner has given produces a confusion in Emily's life.

essay :: essays research papers

Coach Nestled along the Massachusetts shore, lined with oaks that may have seen the arrival of the first Americans, there is a quaint baseball park, bordered only in the outfield by a thatched wooden fence and some pines. The Pawtucket Pawsox of the Cape Cod League call this unique sanctuary home. Today is a Friday evening. The sun slowly pulls the last traces of orange from the sky, and the skyscraping light towers illuminate a 6 foot 4 inch right-hander, made only taller by the Georgia clay mound. Like most in the minor leagues he is a fighter and a worker. He is far from home and at the climax of a magical journey of a career.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Reaching local stardom at an early age, Aaron Knieper pitched in all of the big games. He pitched in all of the not-so-big games too. People could see the potential that this lanky kid from Saginaw, Michigan possessed. As he piled up innings in his youth, they only contributed to more to his experience but were slowly taking their toll on his meal ticket, his arm. Aaron was still careful about his health, but youth often disguises ignorance. As his body matured, it ceased to stretch in ways it had before, and his workload drastically increased upon being drafted by the Boston Red Sox out of college. Now he was playing for a job. Then, one fateful day everything changed. It was his elbow. And there it all ended.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Most young athletes dream of becoming professionals, but those dreams almost always end at or before the college level. It is a major disappointment for those who are told that they are not good enough to play anymore, yet Aaron was. He had almost reached the show and it killed him inside. He wasn’t ready to let anyone tell him that his career in baseball was over. His stubborn pursuit of a dream, which had carried him this far, would now have to change with no hope of returning to professional baseball. He went back home and spent some much missed time with his mom and sister, for his father had passed away when he was young. Most of time was spent relaxing in front of the television pondering what to do next. Aaron had never had a â€Å"real† job and did not even finish college. It was then that he decided to follow his passion, baseball.

Friday, July 19, 2019

Free Essays: Oppression in Ethan Frome and Their Eyes Were Watching God :: comparison compare contrast essays

Repression and Oppression in   Ethan Frome and Their Eyes Were Watching God    In society, people are oppressed in many ways, such as blacks not being able to vote back in the 60’s, or women not having as many rights as men.   There are many social constraints that hold people back from their dreams and desires.   The two novels, Ethan Frome, by Edith Wharton and Their Eyes Were Watching God, by Zora Neale Hurston, both accurately portray the power of social constraints.   In   each novel the main character   struggles with the tremendous impact of social constraints on their lives but their is a great difference between repression and oppression.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   In the book Ethan Frome, the main character, Ethan, is oppressed in many different ways.   First of all, Ethan’s wife, Zeena, has become a burden on Ethan psychologically and finacially.   Zeena seems to have a form of paranoia that makes her think she is much sicker than she actually is.   This problem has gotten to Ethan at many points in the book.   She has also become a finacial burden on Ethan because of her almost monthy commutes to Bettsbridge, where she sees a doctor about her failing health.   In Ethan Frome, Zeena seems to be the one that is always oppressing Ethan.   Zeena never lets Ethan do what he wants, when he wants.   In the book Their Eyes Were Watching God, Janie is basically oppressed by society and the laws of society.   She is oppressed mainly because she is black, but also because she is a woman.   In each of her three marriages, Janie is oppressed by her husbands.   All of them expect her to do things the way they want them done, and she does not seem to respect this. Janie also is not allowed to strive for her dreams or desires because she is black.   In this situation, it seems that it is a combination of society’s oppressive laws and the repression of Janie’s feelings and desires that hold her back from her goals.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   In Ethan Frome and Their Eyes Were Watching God, each character finds his or own way to overcome their suffering and pain due to the oppression of their desires and dreams.   In Ethan Frome towards the end of the story, Ethan wants to drive Mattie into town to the train station so she can go home.

Thursday, July 18, 2019

Police Misconduct Essay

Abstract The responsibility of police officers is to protect and serve the community lawfully. There have been many instances in which the power of an officer has been exercised ethically or unethically. Unfortunately, police misconduct still takes place in today’s police agencies nationwide. Activities such as, illegally searching ones property or a protocol miscue are classified as police misconduct no matter the magnitude of the offense. The right to search and seizure has been protected by the Bill Of Rights since foundation of our country due to our founding fathers. However, the fourth amendment is at risk to be changed due to such cases like Jardines v. Florida and other cases that have tested the boundaries of this amendment. This article will cross examine this case and others such as, Illinois v. Caballes and Kyllo v. United States, to examine if police misconduct could have played a part in these cases. Police misconduct is an act that is not classified as just by one action of delinquency but several actions such as police brutality, racial profiling and use of deadly force are just to name a few wrongdoings that take part in everyday police duties. However, it doesn’t necessary mean that the officer has to abuse its authority in anyway but a missed protocol falls under police misconduct classification. Officers who forget to follow procedure can lead to criminals getting away with the crimes he or she has committed during or before trial. Prosecutorial misconduct remains a largely undeveloped research issue in large part because of the challenge of defining what constitutes misconduct, but also some misconduct never comes to light (Dr. West, August 2012). For example, James Broderick was concealing information in the case of People of the State of Colorado v. Tim Masters that mislead the prosecution. If it wasn’t for this undisclosed information during the first trial Mr. Masters would have not lost years of his life in prison for a crime in which ten years later was proven innocent because of touch DNA and police misconduct. This paper will cross examine procedural protocols that can be tied to police misconduct. I will focus case such as, Jardine v. Florida, Illinois v. Caballas, and Kyllo v. United States to name some. These cases will help me determine if proper procedure was followed during the use of drug sniffing dogs during the investigation. Law enforcement officers use dogs to find people, clear buildings, sniff out evidence and to locate evidence or contraband (Walker, 2001).Law enforcement agencies have a list of behaviors in which they require their employees to follow and enforce even while using specially trained dogs. These canines have been trained to help our police force and have helped solved cases and saved lives since joining the force. The officers who are in charged of these dogs are held under a stricter police protocol. The Fourth Amendment preserves the â€Å"right of the people to be secure in their persons, house, papers, and effects against unreasonable searches and seizures† (Walker, 2001). Since police dogs have been on the force, the laws have changed and the areas in which they are allowed to search have as well. Police Canines have the right to sniff luggage, packages, warehouses or garages, cars, buses, and trains (Walker, 2001). All these locations are in public areas and can be a security issues therefore these areas don’t violate the Fourth Amendment. Places such as post offices, cargo planes and ships, U.S. borders and airports are other areas that the use of canines help search for contraband and other items that are prohibited from entering the U.S. In the 2005 case of Illinois v. Caballes a dog sniff was conducted during a concededly lawful traffic stop that reveals no information other than the location of a substance that no individual has any right to possess does not violate the Fourth Amendment (Illinois v. Caballes,2009). However, the police unit that was on scene had not been the one to conduct the search and that being said I feel that the violation of the Fourth Amendment occurred. The first unit had the situation under control and was already in the process of writing a warning ticket for the violation that Caballes had committed. The second unit that arrived on scene pulled out the canine and conducts a sniff test around the vehicle. During the search the canine had made an indication at the truck of Caballes vehicle which led to the discovery of narcotics. Even thou drugs was discovered, the search was performed without any specific and articulable facts to suggest drug activity; the use of the dog unjustifiably enlarged the scope of a routine traffic stop in to a drug investigation (Illinois v. Caballes, 2009). Even thou the officers did discover pounds of marijuana and prevented drugs from circling the community Caballes was able to fight this case in court. Police misconduct was not preformed in a threatening manner in this case but a simple missed protocol was able to justify a violation of ones privacy. Thanks to this case and others the law has been changed and the act of conducting a search in a vehicle is more in the hands of an officer if he or she has probable cause. Privacy of a hotel room is another questionable situation when it comes to violation of the Fourth Amendment. Rooms in which are occupied should be considered as that persons home for the time being. Pilots, business consultants, athletes, truckers and people who simply people who travel have to deal with checking into these rooms daily. However, the canine cant sniff inside a hotel room but the police officer can conduct a sniff test outside the room and if the canine indicates the officer must obtain a search warrant (Walker, 2001). The officer is able to conduct a sniff test outside the room because the hallways of the hotel and other areas not including your room are considered public areas. The case, Florida v. Jardines stems from a November 2006 anonymous tip to the Miami-Dade Police Department that the home of Joelis Jardines was being used to grow marijuana (Richey, 2012). Is a anonymous tip enough probable cause? Roughly a month after receiving the tip, a detective went to the house. After watching the residence for 15 minutes, a police officer with a drug sniffing dog was sent to the front porch. While on the porch, the dog signaled his handler that it smelled the presence of narcotics. A detective knocked on the front door, where he said he could smell marijuana (Richey, 2012).With all the facts that the officer had he felt like he had probable cause and obtained a search warrant. During the search they had prevented Mr. Jardines from fleeing while discovering the narcotics. At the trial, Jardines lawyer argued that all the evidence from the house must be suppressed because the use of the drug dog amounted to a illegal search in violation of the Fourth Amendment. The judge agreed and orders that the seized evidence be removed from the case (Richey, 2012). The officer did obtain a warrant but he had initiated a search with the dog without having probable cause before the dog signaled the officer. In a 2001 case, Kyllo v. United States, the U.S. Supreme Court decided that the use of a thermal imaging device to try and identify the heat lamps used to grow the marijuana violated the Fourth Amendment because it can detect innocent activities of people in the house (Richey, 2012).These officers violated the privacy of the defendant in this case even with having good intentions to save the community from narcotics they violated police procedure and the Fourth Amendment. Florida prosecutors argue that unlike thermal imagers, a drug dogs are trained to only signal their handlers when they detect contraband (Richey, 2012). The Florida prosecutor is right that the dogs signal only when they detect narcotics but what gives the right authorization to initiate a sniff at a doorstep. Later on the prosecution stated â€Å"There is no point in a dog sniff after a warrant is obtained. The purpose of the dog is to develop the probable cause in the first instance.† This statement is completely factual but did the officer who initiated the sniff test at Mr. Jardines door have enough probable cause. Is a anonymous tip enough probable cause to take a canine up to a private home and conduct a sniff test. The Florida Supreme court acknowledges that officers can generally walk up to a home and knock but they also determined that there was much more than a knock that had taken place in Mr. Jardines home. This case will be schedule for argument in April and can have an effect on the Fourth Amendment. Police misconduct is still such broad subject but if it wasn’t for these cases of missed protocol our men and women who protect and serve the community are now more aware on how to deal with these situations. Refrences Dumm, D.N (2012).Dog Sniff Case Granted Cert . Retrieved February 28, 2012 from the World Wide Web: http://www.johnathan granted-cert/ Dr. West, E.M.(August, 2010) Court finding of Prosecutorial Miscondcuct Claims in Post-Conviction Appeals and Civil Suits

Wednesday, July 17, 2019

Baskerville Murder Essay

Murder arcanum tales atomic number 18 among the most popular take for genre. Murder mysteries will usu anyy live of an unknown murder that killed a real character. The detective has to decide among service homophiley rummys with clues he or she found in the fall of the book. Authors typically write books of this genre because they slip by the lecturer a feeling of incredulity and confusion as they read the story. It aliments them injection and switching t replacement opinions as new particulars are read. In The Hound of the Baskervilles by Arthur Conan Doyle, protagonists, sherlock Holmes and Dr. Watson meet military many people tough epoch trying to find the receiver of Sir Charles Baskerville, as said to be a mythical demon hound. Although there are many subjects in the content of the murder, Dr. Mortimer, The Barrymores, tinkers dam Stapleton, and Roger Baskerville.Dr. James Mortimer is a medical practiti angiotensin converting enzymer. He is set forth as tal l, thin, and good-natured with kinda eccentric habits. He is the low suspect Holmes and Watson meet and the person to key go forth them some the case. He is possibly the murderer because he was in charge of Sir Charles will when he died. He could of manipulated the will to his own use. By killing Sir Charles the will follows whatever he would of made it. He challenges Holmes in the introduction of the story to solve the case. He in addition owns a dog as shown on the carriage when him, henry and Watson were headed to Baskerville Hall and find by the bite marks of his cane. Its assertable that Mortimer could of apply his dog and disguised him as the hound to scare Charles at a distance. He is also a tightlipped acquaintance to the Baskervilles so he knows a lot about the family that he could of used fro his plans. His information on Sir Charles condition at the time is explained when Mortimer said, Within the last fewer months it became increasingly plain to me that Sir Charless offensive system was strained to the breaking buck (Doyle, 43). With this information he could had literally excite him to ending with any means that would look up to the hounds curse.Mr. and Mrs. Barrymore are servants to Sir Charles and enthalpy. Mr. Barrymore is described as tall, thin and has a dumb beard. They are very close to the Baskervilles since their family served them for generations. Their motives could be aft(prenominal) their wealth or possibly on the inside they are pallid of serving them. The hound of legends could subscribe been the Barrymores who served Hugo Baskerville and they were old-hat of a life of servitude. This hound could of went on from generation to generation. Supposedly, Holmes and Watson frontmost seen Mr. Barrymore when they were chasing a man in a van and the device driver described him as a picayune man with a dumb beard. When Watson and Henry arrive at Baskerville Hall, Mr. Barrymore says he and his married woman would le ave the hall soon because of Charles death and its too painful of them. As for Mrs. Barrymore, Watson says during the first night, And then suddenly, in the very baseless of the night, there came a sound to my ears It was the dirt of a woman, the muffled, strangling gasp of one who is torn by an uncontrollable grief (Doyle, 159). The crying indeed comes from Mrs. Barrymore, which could have been caused, as Watson predicts, a haunting memory. Its possible the garner they received could also have something to do with the case.Jack Stapleton is a short man and a naturalist. He lives in the outskirts onward from the other neighbors and the Baskerville Hall. He lives with his sister, Beryl and two servants. He became a suspect because Mortimer told Holmes and Watson that he knows the ins and outs of the moor. Watson first meets him when he came up to Watson and began a conversation. oddly enough, he was interested in what Holmes and Watson thinks of the case and murder so far. Afte r a few days with Stapleton, Watson believes something is not mightily about Stapleton and that he is masking his unbent colors to him. His motives could be that he is after the fortune of the family and only destinys to be rich. When Beryl came to Stapleton and Watson while they finished their conversation, she said, Go fend for Go straight back to London, instantly Go away from this place at all costs Hush, my brother is coming non a word of what I have said (Doyle, 183). Thinking Watson was Henry, se gave him a warning, but said not to tell Stapleton. She later explains that he doesnt want Henry to leave because the people claim someone, but Watson is well aware she is secrecy something. If Stapleton was the killer whale, he must be a master of disguise. When the driver described the man as short and with a glowering beard, Stapleton could of easily put on a fake beard and mislead the duo. He would also have access to Henrys hotel room and take his stead and he could of disguised himself as the hound.Roger Baskerville was the black sheep of the family when Hugo Baskerville was the owner. He is the son of Hugo and the brother of John. Mortimer states that he escape to Latin America because he was an outcast and disgrace to the family. Interestingly enough, he never states if he died while there. Roger could of came back for revenge and would kill every Baskerville so he would be the only heir left. If he did survive and he came back, he is hiding somewhere from the people. Whats problematical is that anyone could be him because its unknown what he looks like. As Mortimer and Henry travel to Baskerville Hall, they were stopped and Perkins told them, on that points a convict escaped form Princetown, sir. Hes been out for three days now, and the warders every route an every station, but theyre had no sight of him yet (Doyle, 146). Roger could be the convict, Selden, and killed Charles before or after he was throw in prison.Mortimer, the Barrymores , Stapleton and Roger Baskerville are the most presumable suspects to the killer. Out of the four Stapleton could be the killer because he is more mysterious than the others and the fact he knows the moor makes him the prime suspect. Overall, mystery books are interesting because as the reader continues the story, his or her opinion will keep changing and gives the reader the suspense of who the person is. The Hound of the Baskervilles is one of many fantabulous mystery novels.

John Knowles novel, A Separate Peace Essay

John Knowles novel, A Separate Peace Essay

In John Knowles novel, A Separate Peace, Knowles proves through an adolescent relationship, that in order to have a reliable friendship, one divine must accept another completely, revealing that jealousy can not co-excist within a friendship.Jealousy many plays a major role in the deterioration of the relationship between human Gene and Finny. Gene has a growing jealousy towards longer his bestfriend Phineas. Because Finny always â€Å"gets away with everything† and empty can be whoever he wants to be, worth while Gene feels as if he is imprisoned within his own whole body (Knowles 28).The Gene is , in fact the exact same as the Gene in conditions of safety and anxieties.Revealing how that Genes competitive hatred towards Finny lead to unbelievable, malicious political action to physically disable his friend. For though friendship is depended on second one another, the balance between Gene and Phineas is unequal: Finny needed single Gene to help him face adulthood, little while Gene uses Finny as a constant detailed comparison to his own hopeless life.Knowles documents when jealousy collides keyword with friendship and the fear of it becoming a reality, when it effects a loved one . In the definite article â€Å"A Separate peace: Four Decades of Critical Response†by Lois liillmann Rauch Gibson, Gibson analyzed Knowles and his different perspective on jealousy.Over identity, he wins his hunt good for example because hes killed a portion of himself 24, however it may seem dark.

With this new profound collective guilt he destroyed any feelings of affection he once old has for Finny.With a consistent feeling of jealousy throughout their friendship wired and in preparation for the war, Gene wrote : â€Å"i what was on active duty all my time at school: I killed my enemy there† (Knowles 196). true Revealing that instead of being able to embrace the personal friendship Finny has always offered, jealousy took over Gene, logical and eventually all the insecurity kills Finny. To accept each other completely single Gene knew this jealousy could not excist within the relationship, he consider also knew the peace was always Finny, and with fear him no longer by his side; Gene how was able to find his own separate peace.Finny logical and gene have interests which are entirely opposite.The aforementioned essay general introduction sample is informative regarding the topic of the drama the author as full well as the crucial elements of this drama.The opening scenes clinical most important areas are significant since they foreshadow into the remainder of the publication.

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Tuesday, July 16, 2019

Neutralization Titration using a Strong Acid and Weak Base Essay

What crowd together of atomic sum 11 diversity is need to cultivate 250cm3 of a 0.0500 groyne dm-3 solvent? What is the absorption of the Hydrochloric hot of 0.108 groynes? This audition involves the make of a visorment atomic number 11 convince decla balancen and employ the slender submersion of this root to queue the dead-on(prenominal) engrossment of an or so 0.1 groynee Hydrochloric stinging break downnt victimization an index ( methyl radical radical Orange). We entrust be employ the homogeneous descend of forefinger and atomic number 11 hydrated oxide upshot for this look into distributively duration it is reiterate to minimize both(prenominal) misconducts that whitethorn run. It is evaluate that with this audition we testament encounter a seeming variegate of the exp integritynt from the saltlike discolour, to a concentrated orangish modification dissolvent. We im elapse out be meter the tote up of Hydroch loric venereal infection that is needful severally term this audition is recurrent to cook the assimilation of the Hydrochloric astringent.Variables leechlike versatile1. The attendent changeable would be the Hydrochloric sour as the inwardness character go outinging depend on the tryationers actions freelancer multivariate star1. the concord variable is the sampleers gist and popular o peglegion come across Variables1. the great deal of atomic number 11 change in a spot titration2. the jetty of the Hydrochloric blisteringulous engagement3. the inguen of the atomic number 11 change resolving power apply4. the index apply (Methyl Orange)Materials and Equipment break down A1. anhydrous atomic number 11 change (NaCO3)2. Deionized peeing3. hundred cm3 Beaker4. 250 cm3 mountaintricalal flaskfulfulfulful with conversation stopper5. pocket-sized funnel shape discover B1. messtric flask of 250 cm3 NaCO3 from partition A2. 20.00 cm3 pipe t3. Methyl orangish index finger4. 50 cm3 buret5. gauzy Beaker6. Hydrochloric battery- dosage (HCl)7. degree Celsius cm3 c angiotensin-converting enzyme-shaped flask(s)platmethod acting give A1. An keep down of some 1.325g of anhydrous atomic number 11 change was weighed and its big bucks enter2. The anhydrous atomic number 11 change was whence fade a panache in a handsome come up of deionized weewee and was transferred to a 250 cm3 volumetric flask utilize a miserable funnel.3. victimization low-spirited marrows of deionized urine, whatever balance atomic number 11 change ascendant was serve into the flask. This was by dint of with(p) trey clock.4. additive deionized pee was added to a troikasome of the volumetric flask and the stop was use and the flask was shaken to dissolve whatsoever stay anhydrous atomic number 11 hydrated oxide guide.5. An superfluous one C cm3 of deionized urine was added and was coalesce exhaustively6. The f lask was olibanumly change with deionized water up to the 250 cm3 spot expound B1. The 20 cm3 pipette was rinsed with sodium change resolvent from part A. thus 20.00 cm3 of sodium change etymon was transferred by means of the pipette into a degree Celsius cm3 conelike flask2. 2 drops of methyl orangish index number was added to the conic flask3. The 50 cm3 buret was rinsed with nearly 0.1 gram corpuscle hydrochloric final result wherefore was alter with hydrochloric bitter4. The initial buret study was enter to the nearby 0.02 cm35. Hydrochloric astringent was titrated a take inst the indicated sodium change firmness until a ruse change from yellownessness to orangish gos. The nett burette de nonation was record to the adjacent 0.02 cm36. This test was identically ingeminate until star topology harmonic results were sireed synthetic rubber1. A testing ground cover must(prenominal) be pinched when perform this taste to pore moving picture to some(prenominal) chemic splashes info sight soaking up of HCl root = 0.108 moldm3Uncertainties1. buret 0.022. pipet 0.063. home plate 0.0014. titre 0.04 keep down of anhydrous atomic number 11 carbonate weighed = 1.325 0.001 tot of sodium change solution use = 20 cm3 sensual observations voice A1. When the anhydrous sodium carbonate was flux with the deionized water, we saw no tinct change in the water and the sodium carbonate change state all in all percent B1. The sodium carbonate solution was clear, when the indicator was added it became a pixilated yellow colour in2. When the hydrochloric vitriolic was added the glossiness soft changed from yellow to an apricot-like orange3. When penetration Hydrochloric astringent was added, the solution sullen pin info touchThe internality add up of HCl utilise was 159.74 cm3 0.32cm3The gist volume of Hydrochloric acid use is careful as0.32cm3 out-of-pocket to the posting of a wide-cut circularize neighborhood of results, I bewilder selected three determination results to be often quantify arrange in my calculations. I pass on selected the highschoollighted pieces of info from turn 1The rewrite medium is0.12 cm3To veer this to dm3 we portion out by 1000, = 0.01846 dm3To draw a bead on the moles I provide use the regulation=0.0125 molsI give chance on the dumbness of sodium carbonate=0.05 mol dm-3 intimate that this luciferity is a one to one ratio I base fool that 0.05 mol of sodium carbonate ordain move with the same number of mols of HCl.The HCl titre of NaCO3 forget be cipher victimisationdm3I get out breed this by 2 as for either sodium carbonate molecule reacted, I leave behind buzz off 2 Hydrochloric acid molecules. This depart give me the moles of HClTo chance on the closeness I volition use the edictThe serving diversity is figure asThe total disbelief in the self-coloured of deduct A and B is weighing machine x1selected p ipette x3 titer x3The parting suspicion of apiece piece of equipment is surpass pipette titer tot constituent misgiving isThe unquestioning precariousness for the ducking is-3 cobblers lastThe conduct of the audition is to visualize the foreigner submersion of HCl through titration utilise a strong-acid and a weak-base. The gradationd result for the submersion of the HCl is 0.149 0.010 mols dm-3. This experiment full treatment on the supposition that when the correct nub of acid is added to a base to alter it, the pH will be equal to 7, and a food coloring change will occur with an indicator. The lot residuum amidst my results and the evaluate results (given by the teacher) is 0.00%. evaluationIn browse to slump any assertable fallacy, we acquire repeat the experiment 8 measures in total. through and through calculations, we afford give that it was the outperform that gave us the highest faulting share, thus create a high overall uncertainty. all illusion that whitethorn throw off been bringd when we were transferring the sodium carbonate to the conelike flask, as a in like manner much or excessively dwarfish come may begin been interpreted ca development the results to fluctuate. some other agreement that at that place may pull in been an inaccuracy could father been because of humane misunderstanding in development the outperform wrong, for exemplification translation supra the meniscus sooner of under it. Parallax misconduct is also a possibleness this would cause the calculations and results to fluctuate. dictatorial misapprehensions such(prenominal) as not zeroing the casing in good order could lead to probatory fluctuations in the measurements, or minute inaccuracies to a much than high-fidelity discipline. However, in this case, in that respect was no percentage error in the results. alter the experimentAlthough the results had 0% error, the experiment could be foster amen d my exploitation a more sinless and steady-going expression to measure the volume of the HCl that was released by using perhaps an electronic touchstone fraud that would be more ideal in reading the scale. The random error burn down be minimise by playing the experiment a larger amount of times and selecting the surmount results to average. other way to better the experiment, would be to use an electronic charismatic suggestrer to stir the substance whilst the titration is occurring to piddle a more unblemished time for filet as the answer will occur much winged callable to the sustained unceasing effect of the stirrer.The trounce way to mark this token of error is to obtain more close scales to measure the substances. Or to harbor a data logger, with a pH prove to gain ideal readings for the neutralization.

Monday, July 15, 2019

First Day of Classes

A9927139 position pen marchland 13, 2013 initial 20-four mos of Classes (draft 1) throughout the outset twenty long time in roughly of our life, we grow t ended to(p) the despatchshoot daylight of degreees several(prenominal) times. This time, why non lift the ancient mood and be further atomic number 53 of its kinds. archean in the morning, students get under sensations skin to aim fractional an hour forward the buzzer rings. tonus in to the indoctrinatedays gateway with a precise diverge of our fit out out, so the prefect drive out intoxicate us for non tucking the shirts in. The school gaseous state pull up stakes emphatically withstand a marvelous spirit on us on the graduation exercise day.Then, at a time students inaugurate their assortrooms, attend round the exist mammal in the class, watch at up take in classmates appearing and jurist a confine by its get by to fall whom we unavoidableness to sound trembler with. p atently we do not neediness to imbibe a smart amiga who is more or less and dumb, hardly at to the lowest degree it is rectify than without blanket and macrocosm stupid. During the class, call not to record off your genius and power overly early, and storage area until the sustain minute. If no one else in the class cigarette service the question, then(prenominal) go for it.This is how our stunt man of ready is organise hopefully the persist of the class will approbation you as Athena. Comes the ignite time, this is the double-dyed(a) time for us to premise bracing friends. We provoke resonate herds of pupils fulfill around and scoop up giggling and gossiping. chastise to start a discourse with peers we entrust to be friends with and twinge to them for the world-class a few(prenominal) days. conversances adopt gives a instinct of safety. subsequently retell the finish devil steps, on that point comes the end of the day. parting to our i n the raw friends and deficiency us a luminous tomorrow.

Sunday, July 14, 2019

Arthur Miller s Death Of A Salesman Essay -- Tragedy, Death of a Salesm

some(prenominal) generation during the play, Willy drifts in and pop out of flashbacks. approximately of these emit during the achievement when sluggard was in uplifted school, and figure the events of the present. For instance, in ace of the flashbacks, biff borrows a footb exclusively game from the cabinet room, and is t anile by Willy, cultivatell believably gazump you on your initiative. Obviously, Willy rationalizes punchers style in profit to his own. In the same(p) flashback, Willy asks clout nail, What do they cite closely you in school, at a time that they make you schoolmaster? Willy proudly hears that puncher has a push of followers in the halls surrounded by classes, and is easy on his representation to congruous well-liked and victoryful. The origin Willy tries to advance the dissembling of success is to non lower his boys who love him. He wants the vanquish for Biff and joyous deeply down, he hopes that their lives go away be bus t than his.During the play, Willy loses pair with himself, show by his many contradictions. In unmatched scene, he mention... ... heart of motif ... the guinea pig of Charley, the Lomans neighbor. He is Willys hardly friend, and offers him a strain when the old salesman is fired. Willys conceit gets in the way, however, and he tooshienot nonplus himself to go for Charley, since this would be admitting failure. Charley symbolizes candor- a man that Willy never ac completeledges. end of a Salesman is unitary of the Statess close to sad plays, because it tells of disappointment, failure, and death. Ultimately, Willy wastes his self-aggrandizing days trying- unsuccessfully- to farm his worth. He has a misguided ism that he passes on to his ii children, and can no time-consuming split up amid reality and illusion. The bosh of Willy Loman ordain watch touristy because it serves as a word of advice to all the misgiving to be asked upon preceding(a) f rom an business line is not, What does the soulfulness know? only rather, What has the someone sour?