Saturday, November 30, 2019

Lord Of The Flies By William Golding Essays (2149 words)

Lord Of The Flies By William Golding In his first novel, William Golding used a group of boys stranded on a tropical island to illustrate the malicious nature of mankind. Lord of the Flies dealt with changes that the boys underwent as they gradually adapted to the isolated freedom from society. Three main characters depicted different effects on certain individuals under those circumstances. Jack Merridew began as the arrogant and self-righteous leader of a choir. The freedom of the island allowed him to further develop the darker side of his personality as the Chief of a savage tribe. Ralph started as a self-assured boy whose confidence in himself came from the acceptance of his peers. He had a fair nature as he was willing to listen to Piggy. He became increasingly dependent on Piggy's wisdom and became lost in the confusion around him. Towards the end of the story his rejection from their society of savage boys forced him to fend for himself. Piggy was an educated boy who had grown up as an outcast. Due to his academic childhood, he was more mature than the others and retained his civilized behaviour. But his experiences on the island gave him a more realistic understanding of the cruelty possessed by some people. The ordeals of the three boys on the island made them more aware of the evil inside themselves and in some cases, made the false politeness that had clothed them dissipate. However, the changes experienced by one boy differed from those endured by another. This is attributable to the physical and mental dissimilarities between them. Jack was first described with an ugly sense of cruelty that made him naturally unlikeable. As leader of the choir and one of the tallest boys on the island, Jack's physical height and authority matched his arrogant personality. His desire to be Chief was clearly evident in his first appearance. When the idea of having a Chief was mentioned Jack spoke out immediately. "I ought to be chief," said Jack with simple arrogance, "because I'm chapter chorister and head boy." He led his choir by administering much discipline resulting in forced obedience from the cloaked boys. His ill-nature was well expressed through his impoliteness of saying, "Shut up, Fatty." at Piggy. (p. 23) However, despite his unpleasant personality, his lack of courage and his conscience prevented him from killing the first pig they encountered. "They knew very well why he hadn't: because of the enormity of the knife descending and cutting into living flesh; because of the unbearable blood." (p. 34) Even at the meetings, Jack was able to contain himself under the leadership of Ralph. He had even suggested the implementation of rules to regulate themselves. This was a Jack who was proud to be British, and who was shaped and still bound by the laws of a civilized society. The freedom offered to him by the island allowed Jack to express the darker sides of his personality that he hid from the ideals of his past environment. Without adults as a superior and responsible authority, he began to lose his fear of being punished for improper actions and behaviours. This freedom coupled with his malicious and arrogant personality made it possible for him to quickly degenerate into a savage. He put on paint, first to camouflage himself from the pigs. But he discovered that the paint allowed him to hide the forbidden thoughts in his mind that his facial expressions would otherwise betray. "The mask was a thing on its own behind which Jack hid, liberated from shame and self-consciousness." (p. 69) Through hunting, Jack lost his fear of blood and of killing living animals. He reached a point where he actually enjoyed the sensation of hunting a prey afraid of his spear and knife. His natural desire for blood and violence was brought out by his hunting of pigs. As Ralph became lost in his own confusion, Jack began to assert himself as chief. The boys realizing that Jack was a stronger and more self-assured leader gave in easily to the freedom of Jack's savagery. Placed in a position of power and with his followers sharing his crazed hunger for violence, Jack gained encouragement to commit the vile acts of thievery and murder. Freed from the conditions of a regulated society, Jack gradually became more violent and the rules and proper behaviour by which he was brought up were forgotten. The freedom given to him unveiled his true self under the clothing worn by civilized people to hide his darker

Tuesday, November 26, 2019

Invertir Conjugation in Spanish, Translation, and Examples

Invertir Conjugation in Spanish, Translation, and Examples The Spanish verb invertir can mean to invest or to invert. This article includes invertir conjugations in the present, past and future indicative, the present and past subjunctive, the imperative, and other verb forms. You will notice that invertir is a stem-changing verb. In this case, the e changes to ie and sometimes to i when the syllable is stressed. Using the Verb Invertir Invertir can mean to invest or to invert. To invert means to reverse or turn inside out. However, the most common meaning of invertir is to invest. It can be used to talk about investing money, such as invertir dinero en la compaà ±Ãƒ ­a (invest money in the company). It can also be used in the sense of investing or spending time on something, such as invertir tiempo en sus hijos (invest time in your children). Invertir Present Indicative In the present indicative tense, the spelling change e to ie occurs in all of the conjugations except nosotros and vosotros. Yo invierto I invest Yo invierto el dinero en mi compaà ±Ãƒ ­a. Tà º inviertes You invest Tà º inviertes mucho tiempo en tu negocio. Usted/à ©l/ella invierte You/he/she invests Ella invierte en la bolsa de valores. Nosotros invertimos We invest Nosotros invertimos en la educacià ³n de nuestros hijos. Vosotros invertà ­s You invest Vosotros invertà ­s en la salud pà ºblica. Ustedes/ellos/ellas invierten You/they invest Ellos invierten su tiempo en un proyecto nuevo. Invertir Preterite Indicative In the preterite tense the spelling change occurs only for the third person singular and plural conjugations. Note that the spelling change is different, since the e only changes to i. Yo invertà ­ I invested Yo invertà ­ el dinero en mi compaà ±Ãƒ ­a. Tà º invertiste You invested Tà º invertiste mucho tiempo en tu negocio. Usted/à ©l/ella invirtià ³ You/he/she invested Ella invirtià ³ en la bolsa de valores. Nosotros invertimos We invested Nosotros invertimos en la educacià ³n de nuestros hijos. Vosotros invertisteis You invested Vosotros invertisteis en la salud pà ºblica. Ustedes/ellos/ellas invirtieron You/they invested Ellos invirtieron su tiempo en un proyecto nuevo. Invertir Imperfect Indicative In the imperfect tense conjugations there are no spelling changes, since it is simply conjugated by adding the imperfect ending for -er and -ir verbs (à ­a, à ­as, à ­a, à ­amos, à ­ais, à ­an). The imperfect can be translated as was investing or used to invest. Yo invertà ­a I used to invest Yo invertà ­a el dinero en mi compaà ±Ãƒ ­a. Tà º invertà ­as You used to invest Tà º invertà ­as mucho tiempo en tu negocio. Usted/à ©l/ella invertà ­a You/he/she used to invest Ella invertà ­a en la bolsa de valores. Nosotros invertà ­amos We used to invest Nosotros invertà ­amos en la educacià ³n de nuestros hijos. Vosotros invertà ­ais You used to invest Vosotros invertà ­ais en la salud pà ºblica. Ustedes/ellos/ellas invertà ­an You/they used to invest Ellos invertà ­an su tiempo en un proyecto nuevo. Invertir Future Indicative The future tense conjugations have no spelling change either, since the future is simply conjugated with the infinitive form invertir and the future tense endings. Yo invertirà © I will invest Yo invertirà © el dinero en mi compaà ±Ãƒ ­a. Tà º invertirs You will invest Tà º invertirs mucho tiempo en tu negocio. Usted/à ©l/ella invertir You/he/she will invest Ella invertir en la bolsa de valores. Nosotros invertiremos We will invest Nosotros invertiremos en la educacià ³n de nuestros hijos. Vosotros invertirà ©is You will invest Vosotros invertirà ©is en la salud pà ºblica. Ustedes/ellos/ellas invertirn You/they will invest Ellos invertirn su tiempo en un proyecto nuevo. Invertir Periphrastic  Future Indicative   To form the periphrastic future tense you need the present indicative conjugation of the verb ir (to go), the preposition a, and the infinitive invertir. Yo voy a invertir I am going to invest Yo voya invertir el dinero en mi compaà ±Ãƒ ­a. Tà º vasa invertir You are going to invest Tà º vasa invertir mucho tiempo en tu negocio. Usted/à ©l/ella vaa invertir You/he/she is going to invest Ella vaa invertir en la bolsa de valores. Nosotros vamosa invertir We are going to invest Nosotros vamosa invertir en la educacià ³n de nuestros hijos. Vosotros vaisa invertir You are going to invest Vosotros vaisa invertir en la salud pà ºblica. Ustedes/ellos/ellas vana invertir You/they are going to invest Ellos vana invertir su tiempo en un proyecto nuevo. Invertir Present Progressive/Gerund Form The gerund or present participle can be used as an adverb or to form progressive verb forms, like the present progressive. The gerund for invertir has a spelling change, but notice that the change is only e to i. Present Progressive of Invertir est invirtiendo Is investing Ella est invirtiendo en la bolsa de valores. Invertir Past Participle Compound tenses like the present perfect are formed with the verb haber plus the past participle. The past participle for -ir verbs is formed with the ending -ido. Present Perfect of Invertir ha invertido Has invested Ella ha invertido en la bolsa de valores. Invertir Conditional Indicative There are no spelling changes in the conditional tense, since it is simply formed with the infinitive invertir and the conditional endings. Yo invertirà ­a I would invest Yo invertirà ­a el dinero en mi compaà ±Ãƒ ­a si tuviera un buen futuro. Tà º invertirà ­as You would invest Tà º invertirà ­as mucho tiempo en tu negocio si pudieras. Usted/à ©l/ella invertirà ­a You/he/she would invest Ella invertirà ­a en la bolsa de valores si tuviera ms dinero. Nosotros invertirà ­amos We would invest Nosotros invertirà ­amos en la educacià ³n de nuestros hijos si fuà ©ramos padres. Vosotros invertirà ­ais You would invest Vosotros invertirà ­ais en la salud pà ºblica si tuvierais la oportunidad. Ustedes/ellos/ellas invertirà ­an You/they would invest Ellos invertirà ­an su tiempo en un proyecto nuevo, pero es muy complicado. Invertir Present Subjunctive In the present subjunctive, there is a spelling change in all of the conjugations. Most of the conjugations have the change e to ie, but nosotros and vosotros have the change e to i only. Que yo invierta That I invest Mi socio espera que yo invierta el dinero en mi compaà ±Ãƒ ­a. Que tà º inviertas That you invest Tu esposo quiere que tà º inviertas mucho tiempo en tu negocio. Que usted/à ©l/ella invierta That you/he/she invest El contador sugiere que ella invierta en la bolsa de valores. Que nosotros invirtamos That we invest La directora espera que nosotros invirtamos en la educacià ³n de nuestros hijos. Que vosotros invirtis That you invest El mà ©dico sugiere que vosotros invirtis en la salud pà ºblica. Que ustedes/ellos/ellas inviertan That you/they invest La jefa espera que ellos inviertan su tiempo en un proyecto nuevo. Invertir Imperfect Subjunctive To conjugate the imperfect subjunctive you can start with the third person plural conjugation (ellos, ellas, ustedes) in the preterite tense (invirtieron), then remove the on, and add the imperfect subjunctive endings. There are two options to conjugate the imperfect subjunctive, shown in the tables below. Option 1 Que yo invirtiera That I invested Mi socio esperaba que yo invirtiera el dinero en mi compaà ±Ãƒ ­a. Que tà º invirtieras That you invested Tu esposo querà ­a que tà º invirtieras mucho tiempo en tu negocio. Que usted/à ©l/ella invirtiera That you/he/she invested El contador sugerà ­a que ella invirtiera en la bolsa de valores. Que nosotros invirtià ©ramos That we invested La directora esperaba que nosotros invirtià ©ramos en la educacià ³n de nuestros hijos. Que vosotros invirtierais That you invested El mà ©dico sugerà ­a que vosotros invirtierais en la salud pà ºblica. Que ustedes/ellos/ellas invirtieran That you/they invested La jefa esperaba que ellos invirtieran su tiempo en un proyecto nuevo. Option 2 Que yo invirtiese That I invested Mi socio esperaba que yo invirtiese el dinero en mi compaà ±Ãƒ ­a. Que tà º invirtieses That you invested Tu esposo querà ­a que tà º invirtieses mucho tiempo en tu negocio. Que usted/à ©l/ella invirtiese That you/he/she invested El contador sugerà ­a que ella invirtiese en la bolsa de valores. Que nosotros invirtià ©semos That we invested La directora esperaba que nosotros invirtià ©semos en la educacià ³n de nuestros hijos. Que vosotros invirtieseis That you invested El mà ©dico sugerà ­a que vosotros invirtieseis en la salud pà ºblica. Que ustedes/ellos/ellas invirtiesen That you/they invested La jefa esperaba que ellos invirtiesen su tiempo en un proyecto nuevo. Invertir Imperative Most of the imperative conjugations have a spelling change, either e to ie or e to i. Conjugations vary slightly for the positive and negative commands. Positive Commands Tà º invierte Invest!  ¡Invierte tu tiempo en tu negocio! Usted invierta Invest!  ¡Invierta en la bolsa de valores! Nosotros invirtamos Let's invest!  ¡Invirtamos en la educacià ³n de nuestros hijos! Vosotros invertid Invest!  ¡Invertid en la salud pà ºblica! Ustedes inviertan Invest!  ¡Inviertan su tiempo en un proyecto nuevo! Negative Commands Tà º no inviertas Don't invest!  ¡No inviertas tu tiempo en tu negocio! Usted no invierta Don't invest!  ¡No invierta en la bolsa de valores! Nosotros no invirtamos Let's not invest!  ¡No invirtamos en la educacià ³n de nuestros hijos! Vosotros no invirtis Don't invest!  ¡No invirtis en la salud pà ºblica! Ustedes no inviertan Don't invest!  ¡No inviertan su tiempo en un proyecto nuevo!

Friday, November 22, 2019

10 of the Most Unprofessional Work Behaviors

10 of the Most Unprofessional Work Behaviors Everyone has weak moments, where a panic moment or a lapse in judgment leads to workplace decisions we’re not especially proud to own. And unfortunately, if there are witnesses to said behavior, there could be whispers about your unprofessionalism that follow you around. However, if you know ahead of time where some of the danger zones lie, you can try to avoid being branded with a scarlet â€Å"U.† 1. Throwing other people under the busIt’s just never a good idea. You may see an opening to avoid blame or disapproval, but if it means offering up one of your colleagues, you’re better off not playing this game. If something truly isn’t your fault, you should stick up for yourself, but â€Å"he did it too!† didn’t work in elementary school, and it doesn’t work now.2. Taking shortcutsâ€Å"You want it done fast, or do you want it done right?† Always err on the side of completeness. If you rush to get things done, mistakes wil l emerge, and you’ll be known as someone who does shoddy work.3. Gossiping about coworkersTalking smack, even if it’s mild or true, may get you a laugh from a coworker in the short term, but it’ll also get you a reputation for being indiscreet and/or catty.4. Broadcasting personal opinionsFeeling the Bern? Itching to Make Donald Drumpf Again? Fantastic, take that passion and spend your personal time making cold calls for your favorite candidate. Don’t bring it into the office, or stand at the coffee machine telling everyone who’ll listen that the real birth certificate will vindicate your conspiracy theories. The workplace is a diverse environment, where everyone needs to get along harmoniously for a common purpose. That might mean staying publicly mum on hot-potato topics like politics or religion, even when you so totally disagree with someone on a personal issue.5. Ignoring boundaries with coworkersDon’t be that guy who has screaming matc hes on the phone with his wife in his open-plan cubicle. Don’t be the lady whose pungent microwaved leftovers permeate the whole office with a salmon-y smell. Or the guy whose cologne makes him a walking billboard for the Axe body spray you never want to smell again. Being oblivious to the senses of those around you can be a huge professionalism misstep.6. Biting the hand that feeds youOh, you don’t agree with every single decision your boss or the company makes? Neither does anyone else. That doesn’t mean you’re free to complain about the powers that be every chance you get. For serious grievances, take them to the appropriate channels (HR, your supervisor). For run-of-the-mill gripes, save those for your trusted confidantes outside of the office walls (spouse, cat, clergyperson). You don’t want to be known as the malcontent who hates this place, because it’ll become much easier to a) ignore your concerns; and b) ding you for not being a te am player.7. Mistaking work-social events for social-social eventsThe office party with an open bar is an open invitation, right? I mean, would your company offer drinks if they didn’t want you to get sloshed and have a good time? It’s a trap! Not an intentional one- at work-sponsored social events, your company probably does want you to have a good time. Within reason. Exercise moderation at these events, because no one respects the professionalism of the person holding beer #5 while loudly demanding that someone play â€Å"Freebird.†8. Monopolizing meetingsYou have ideas- excellent! So does everyone else in the room. The whole point of a meeting is to get different perspectives into a room together. When one person dominates that, others can feel marginalized or frustrated.9. Not following throughIf you promise something and don’t deliver once, it could be a fluke. If you routinely promise the stars and deliver C-level celebrities, it becomes a pattern of untrustworthiness.10. Using devices while talking to coworkersYou may think it looks like you’re a multitasking rockstar, but to you colleagues it looks like you’re giving the issue at hand half of your attention (at best).Your reputation is one of the most important professional tools you’ve got- and unlike your resume, which you can improve and revise with every new job, your rep is often beyond your control. If you do everything you can to make sure you’re putting forth the employee you want to be, that’s what others will see. The last thing you want is for a former boss or colleague to waffle (or worse, tell stories about your public failings) when asked for a reference.

Wednesday, November 20, 2019

Econ Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words - 6

Econ - Essay Example Such agreements become a hindrance to the free flow of goods causing global economic loss. In the current dynamic world, countries having wafer-thin comparative advantage suddenly lose the market to a rival who have entered into a PTA. The article 24 specifies that the external tariffs should not be raised when the PTA is functioning. This is precisely to prevent harm to nonmembers. During Mexican currency crisis of 1994, tariffs on 502 items were raised from 20 percent to as high as 35 percent but at the same time tariffs on US and Canada, under NAFTA continued unchanged. Even small tariffs are likely to create trade diversion when tariffs are nonexistent on members of PTA while they remain applicable on nonmembers. This trade diversion is against the very basic intent of Article 24. The basic purpose of GATT was to encourage multilateral trade through reduced trade barriers. It aims at imposing the same tariff on goods regardless of which country supplies them and that purpose is not only defeated but restricts global economy to

Tuesday, November 19, 2019

History Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words - 17

History - Essay Example The era of the Southern Reagan Democrat was ushered in by racist attitudes that perpetuated the stereotypes about race, poverty, and the deterioration of the inner city. The conservative movement of the last half of the 20th century was based on reactionary politics against the social movements that sought a redistribution of legitimate political power. To a large extent the polarization of the political movements have been an ongoing struggle based on the politics of fear brought on by the Cold War in the 1940s and 1950s. All social movements, whether pro-labor or public health care, were labeled as communist inspired socialist programs. The Vietnam War became a significant factor in further defining the conservative movement. According to Meagher (2009), "their most notorious role in the development of the conservative coalition was to devise a post-Vietnam foreign policy in response to the perceived failures of Democrats to confront communism" (p.261). In this way, the conservative movement was able to turn the battle against liberal social programs into a front for the Cold War. The Vietnam War was also instrumental in forming a common cause base, which several other social groups utilized to form coalitions in an effort to solidify voting blocs. Identity politics, the Black Panthers, Civil Rights, feminism, and the environmental movement all fell under the anti-war umbrella. The left viewed Vietnam as a symptom of worldwide oppression. Though this was a worldwide war being waged by the left against imperialism in all its forms, political and economic, the Left was able to be translated it into the broader issues of community and neighborhood problems of housing, jobs, and education (Nakanishi and Lai, 2003, p.172). Social progress was viewed as redistribution of wealth and progressive programs were labeled as socialism. The conservative movement continued to

Saturday, November 16, 2019

Ecological Anthropology Essay Example for Free

Ecological Anthropology Essay In 1992, the largest-ever meeting of world leaders took place at the United Nations Conference on Environment and Development in Rio de Janeiro, Brazil. The Convention on Biological Diversity was one of two major treaties opened for signature at the United Nations Conference on Environment and Development (UNCED) in 1992. It was the first global agreement on the conservation and sustainable use of biological diversity. The biodiversity treaty gained rapid and widespread acceptance. The Convention has three main goals: the conservation of biodiversity, sustainable use of the components of biodiversity, and sharing the benefits arising from the commercial and other utilization of genetic resources in a fair and equitable way. The Convention is comprehensive in its goals, and deals with an issue so vital to humanity’s future, that it stands as a landmark in international law. It links traditional conservation efforts to the economic goal of using biological resources sustainably. It sets principles for the fair and equitable sharing of the benefits arising from the use of genetic resources, notably those destined for commercial use. But eleven years passed since the Convention entered into force. That is why some of its provisions are in the greatest need of revision, namely provision 1 in Article 17. It is connected with exchange of information: â€Å"the Contracting Parties shall facilitate the exchange of information, from all publicly available sources, relevant to the conservation and sustainable use of biological diversity, taking into account the special needs of developing countries.† Today we live in informational society. Information is one of the most valuable things that we can get. By means of information we can avoid great danger. It is very important to be well – informed, especially in ecological sphere. That is why the word â€Å"facilitate† is too weak to stress all the value of the provision concerning the exchange of information. It should be replaced by such words as â€Å"ensure† or   â€Å"provide†. In that event this provision will get modern strict sense and the importance of informational exchange will be stressed.

Thursday, November 14, 2019

Essay on Control in Song of Solomon -- Song Solomon essays

Fight for Control in Song of Solomon       The idea of complete independence and indifference to the surrounding world, symbolized by flying, stands as a prominent concept throughout Toni Morrison's novel Song of Solomon. However, the main character Milkman feels that this freedom lies beyond his reach; he cannot escape the demands of his family and feel fulfilled at the same time. As Milkman's best friend Guitar says through the novel, "Everybody wants a black man's life," a statement Milkman easily relates to while seeking escape from his sheltered life at home. Although none of the characters in the story successfully take control of Milkman's life and future, many make aggressive attempts to do so including his best friend Guitar who, ironically, sympathizes with Milkman's situation, his frustrated cousin Hagar, and most markedly his father, Macon Dead.    Guitar Bains, Milkman's best friend since childhood, serves as Milkman's only outlet to life outside his secluded and reserved family. Guitar introduces Milkman to Pilate, Reba, and Hagar, as well as to normal townspeople such as those that meet in the barber shop, and the weekend party-goers Milkman and Guitar fraternize with regularly. However, despite their close friendship, the opportunity to gain a large amount of gold severs all their friendly ties. Guitar, suspecting Milkman took all the gold for himself, allows his greed and anger to dictate his actions and sets out on a manhunt, ready to take Milkman down wherever and whenever he could in order to retrieve the hoarded riches. Guitar's first few sniper attempts to execute Milkman did fail; however, the ending of the novel leaves the reader with the imminent death of either Milkman or Guitar. Ironic that t... ... lives of the Dead family members; Milkman, unable to live any longer in an environment composed of animosity, drives him to leave his home and search for "his people." Serendipitously, although no single individual gains control of either Milkman's living or dead life, Milkman's need to escape from his collective family and surroundings unwittingly captures him and the life he so fervently aims to keep from the control of others.    Works Cited: Morrison, Toni. Song of Solomon. New York: Penguin Books, 1987. Schultz, Elizabeth. "African and Afro-American Roots in Contemporary Afro-American Literature: The Difficult Search for Family Origins." Studies in American Fiction 8.2 (1980): 126-145. Story, Ralph. "An Excursion into the Black World: The 'Seven Days' in Toni Morrison's Song of Solomon." Black American Literature Forum 23.1 (1989): 149-158.

Monday, November 11, 2019

Stonyfield Case Study

Stonyfield Case Study PowerPoint Script Introduction of Team Diversity Members: AMBA Team Summary of Stonyfield Farm Case Study I. What factors should StonyField Farm review before going international? Reasons to expand in international markets – Increased profits in international markets – Expansion and diversification of customer base – New business opportunities and investments Major Factors to consider before going International Minimizing Production Costs – Researching the labor laws of the specific country – Working with local vendors and suppliers directly Dealing with low trade barriers – Utilizing subsidies from local governments – Resources access to inexpensive resources and raw materials Economies of Scale – Strategies to reducing production costs – Knowing of the geographic location for the international expansion – Understanding the markets- knowing consumers wants and needs – Knowing the forei gn countries economic and political systems Economies of Scope – The variety of products and services the company wants to offers (Daft, 2010) – Determining the geographic regions of expansion Knowing the markets size II. What are the major ways for Stonyfield to take their operations global? Form Strategic Alliances with local partners Indirect Exporter – Creating strategic alliances with other firms to increase market share ( Horngren, Sundem and Stratton, 2002) – Contract with local vendors and suppliers to manage resources Direct Exporting Methods – Establishing a domestic-based export department – Creating overseas sales branches or subsidiaries – Utilizing export sales representative using foreign based distributors and agents Licensing Stonyfield could consider selling its rights to other companies to use as trademarked names in the foreign markets Joint Ventures and Consortia – Establishing a separate entity with two or more active firms in the industry as sponsors – Stonyfield farm will benefit from sharing development and production cost, and penetrate new markets – Combined knowledge of local markets, shared strengths in technology and distribution channels will make them marketable III. Recommendations for StonyField Farm on how they should restructure to take their operations global?Slide 1 – Stonyfield in the Multinational stage and the re-structured company – Start by exporting products via strategic alliances with local partners for a test period. – Evaluate the market demand and profit forecasts; make a decision on further expansion. Expanding to the Multinational stage with Overseas farms & Sales Teams – Stonyfield establishes farms and sales teams in their host countries – This will reduce delivery time and cost. – It will also ensure fresh products and eco-friendly message.Operations & Strategy department in head office oversees a ll location specific teams – Basic farm production would be globally standardized for quality control – Overseas teams would have autonomy over marketing, packaging/labeling, shipping, and special flavors for local tastes. It will make them more adaptable. [pic] Slide 2 – Structure of the local teams, outsourcing local roles and use of technology – Managers have full autonomy in pursuing local opportunities, and maintain good supply chain relationships. HR, marketing and sales and other staff can be hired locally or outsourced to local companies. – Local staff’s knowledge of the host country culture and nuances will be useful in understanding the market. Technology for the new global organizational structure – Software technology will allow flow of information between overseas and field offices. – Allows for flow of ideas, information, and troubleshooting. – Software tracking system will also allow tracking of supplies a nd products. IV. How can Stonyfield Farm mange to maintain their â€Å"eco-friendly† operations internationally?Explore current operating functions and all potential factors – Stonyfield should conduct research on farming and dairy production industries in both UK and France – Should do research about the market, competitors and other eco friendly competitions Environmental impact of Stonyfield products and host country regulations – Become familiar with applicable environmental regulations – They learn about the impact of this environmental standards and regulations – It will be advantageous for Stonyfield to review the international established regulations and revise its operating standards – Recycling and waste management is another important regulation that should be taken seriously. Minimizing eco-friendly production costs in host countries – Production costs will be expensive as transitioning into foreign markets is chall enging – Operations need to be restructured to focus on sustaining manufacturing and design – Stonyfield’s main objective is to consume minimal amounts of resources and energy using recycled materials Clear production and pricing strategy It is necessary for Stonyfield to create a defined production and pricing strategy – They need to continually make production more efficient, work to decrease waste and resource usage Consumer patronage of eco-friendly products and their concerns – Recent studies indicate that 93 percent of consumers say they actively participate in eco-friendly events and 37 percent of those individuals are concerned about the environment (Borin, Cerf, & Krishnan, 2011). – The a growing demand or eco-friendly products (Borin, Cerf, & Krishnan, 2011) Marketing eco-friendly products – More companies are creating their own labels in their effort to differentiate themselves in the market place – Stonyfieldâ€℠¢s marketing plan should focus on packaging and labeling with eco friendly logos, making sure all messages are legible and informative. – They should also refer to packaging regulations and green marketing tools Importance of labeling in eco-friendly products Labeling is important because it informs the customers about the quality of the products and its shows value (Menzel, Smagin, & David, 2010). – When labeling the package, Stonyfield should remember to focus on informing the consumer about the consumer about the product. References AMBA 610 Course Pack: Daft, R L. , (2010). Organization theory and design (10th ed. ), 211-216, Mason, OH: Thomson South-Western. Borin, N. , Cerf, D. C. , & Krishnan, R. (2011). Consumer effects of environmental impact in product labeling. Journal of Consumer Marketing , 28 (1), 78-86. Horngren, C. T, Sundem, G. L. & Stratton, W. O (2002). Introduction to management accounting (12th ed. ), 227-235.Upper Saddle River, NJ: Prentice Hall. Grimm, M. (2005, November 28). Progressive business, Brandweek, 46 (43), 26. Retrieved December 17, 2010 from http://ezproxy. umuc. edu/login? url=http://search. ebscohost. com/login. aspx? direct=true&db=bth&AN=20445636&login. asp&site=ehost-live&scope=site Gurtoo, A. , & Antony, S. (2007). Environmental regulations Indirect and unintended consequences on economy and business. Management of Environmental Quality: An International Jornal , 18 (6), 626-637. Menzel, V. , Smagin, J. , & David, F. (2010). Can companies profit from greener manufacturing? Measuring Business Excellence , 14 (2), 22-31.

Saturday, November 9, 2019

Competitive Analysis

Competitive Analysis One of the few advantages Japed has over its competitors is that they are t he most welkin hot dog stand in Vancouver. As they were awarded â€Å"Best of Vance feed' 3 years consecutively. Shops located at the YVES airport, Robinson Street, and Richmond d has proven to be very successful towards the company. These locations provide easy ace usability for potential consumers. The airport provides people from all over the world to g Arab a quick bite before their next flight. What better thing to grab than a cultural fusion hot do g a customer has never tried before?The convenience of Japed makes it easier for busy pep el, and hence why the restaurant location is on Robinson . While providing convenience for cue stokers, Japed also brings a unique taste to the market. This unique taste can be thou ought of as an advantage over other hot dog vendors/ restaurants. This differential advantage in culture can attract many consumers roaming around the area. The North Am erican culture e for comfort food usually consists of hamburgers, fries, and most importantly for Japed; hot dogs.This is one of the main reasons why Japed was able to gain its popularity; an teeth nice, distinct, flavors fusion of one of the most loved snacks in North America. The difference between Japed and other hot dog stands are the unique vary ties that they offer. Such as Spading signature hot dog topped with Tertiary sauce e, mayo and seaweed, these are the kinds of ingredients that makes their products unique . The price range of Japed starts from $5 for a simple hot dog $12 for a full meal inch duding its specialty hot dog, fries and a drink.Japed faces numerous competitors in d owe Anton Vancouver and many other food trucks, but with the increase of Japanese rest rants in the area, Sapwood's business has grown significantly. Japed has become very pop alular as the people of Vancouver have grown a love for Japanese cuisine. Other food trucks provide cuisines such as Mexic an cuisine are slightly more pricey than Japed. The price varies around $7 $14, despite the price, although the quantity that is given is also fulfilling, we have found the reputation, value and the taste oft he product Japed offers is on par with or surpasses other food stand competitors.Alone g with the product, Japed has the highest number of food stands in Vancouver, thus gig vying them a location advantage and easy accessibility over its competitors. The countless mount of flavors is also a major advantage that Japed possess. Currently with 13 SP Cecilia and 7 traditional hot dogs, as well as a separate category of fries, Spading menu pr vides customers an abundance of choices compared to other competitors. The main competitors of Japed are the other neighboring street vendors a ND obviously, other hot dog stands.Other vendors that have their own cultural TA set such as Mexican, Greek, Chinese or Persian are also a threat towards them. Fast food restaurants such as McDonald's, Church's Chicken and Wendy are also great threats to Jaw padded. The rice range for a burger in McDonald's is around 5 dollars and the meal is ABA UT 8 dollars and this is one of the reason why Japed is making less profit comparing to chain deed fast food restaurants. Fasted chains such as McDonald's and Wend's have been established for a longer time. They are very welkin to society and that's the greatest competitive a advantage they have.Established competitors usually take advantage of using television com Americas to advertise their new product or even a special package deal. Since Japed is q tie new compared to bigger fast food chains such as McDonald's, their locations are r stricter to only downtown Vancouver and Richmond Birdhouse strain station. They are no t as exposed as other fast food chains that have been around for a longer time. Spading AC accessibility is strictly towards the people roaming around downtown and Richmond Bright use strain station.Even with the excepti onal taste and popularity of Japed, there will be a few downsides. One of the few is that not all people like hot dogs. This difference I n taste may cause slower sales compared to competitors who do not only have hotdogs, but burgers, wraps, or salads. However, during the Winter Olympics that was held in Vance ever, Japed has experienced their busiest time with nearly 1 00 people lining up at one Tim e for the Japanese style hotdogs everyday, showing how they can provide sales with eve n only the menu selection of hotdogs, fries or drinks.In conclusion, after analyzing Spading competitive advantage we can see that t they are continually a very successful local food vendor comparing to other local of odd vendors, but must take further steps in order to grow internationally. Although there are n onerous factors that they must take carefully into consideration in order to further progress t heir business successfully.

Thursday, November 7, 2019

The evacuation of dunkirk Essays

The evacuation of dunkirk Essays The evacuation of dunkirk Essay The evacuation of dunkirk Essay but I have a believe it was written by an Italian as it is an Italian cartoon. It was published just after the evacuation and therefor it is a primary source. This a form of Italian propergander because it is trying to influence the Italians that they are joining the war on the stronger side. It is reliable from the Italian point of view but biased from the British point of view. Source 4 This source again tells us that the British were defeated in the military war, but it has a swing on it as it tells us the it was a victory for the British in the form of propergander in the newspapers. This source is a secondary source because it was written in 2000 on the 60th anniversary of Dunkirk by a BBC media correspondent for the BBC show on Dunkirk. I feel that this source is very reliable because it was written by the BBC who are always very factual. They are showing how the British newspaper could influence the British people. Source 5 this source is a picture of the beach that the British troops were evacuated from. It shows us the all the British military belongings that were left on the beach. I do not feel that this source is reliable because this could of been a section of the beach where the photographer made look worse than it actually was but it is reliable in some ways because it is a photograph that I feel has not been edited. The source is a primary source because it was taken in the early days of June 1940. But I feel the picture has some value to it because it was never published in Britain. Conclusion. Although the idea of this being a disaster is backed up well with the sources with more than one view and the fact that I feel the sources that are backing up the theory of a miracle all point at the one conclusion of Most men were evacuated I still feel it as a miracle for good reason. The evacuation proved that the unity of the British people could not be broken and the moral could not be lowered by any nation. I feel that the fact that Britain managed to evacuate all those people is a miracle in its self, although I do feel there was a bit of luck in the fact that Hitler chose bot to attack, even when the British were like sitting ducks. There were some elements of the evacuation that were a disaster which were the fact that they lost men, and artillery and the faith that other countries put in them to stop the torrid forces of Hitler and Germany. But Britain had time to rebuild there army and artilleries after the evacuation to overcome this defeat to win the war. I think that although they were defeated it could have been much worse. They could have lost many more men, ships, tanks and other artilleries. So my conclusion is that it was a miracle that they rebuilt themselves after this defeat, it was a miracle they got all there men out of there alive, but it was the biggest disaster in the history of British war in the fact that they were crushed and sent straight back from the powers of the German forces.

Monday, November 4, 2019

Animal Research

Animal Research Essay Animal ResearchFor the past 20 years, there has a been an on going heateddebate on whether experiments on animals for the benefit of medical and scientific research is ethical. Whether it is or isnt, most people believe that some form of cost-benefit test should be performedto determine if the action is right. The costs include: animal pain, distress and death where thebenefits include the collection of new knowledge or the development of new medical therapies forhumans. Looking into these different aspects of the experimentation, there is a large gap for argumentbetween the different scientists views. In the next few paragraphs, both sides of the argument will beexpressed by the supporters. A well known scientist named Neal D. Barnard said, The use ofanimals for research and testing is only one of many investigative techniques available. We believethat although animal experiments are sometimes intellectually seductive, they are poorly suited toaddressing the urgent health problems of our era, such as heart disease, cancer, stroke, AIDS andbirth defects. He goes on further to say that animal experiments can not only mislead researchersbut even contribute to illnesses or deaths by failing to predict any toxic effect on drugs. The majorityof animals in laboratories are used for genetic manipulation, surgical intervention or injection offoreign substances. Researchers produce solutions from these animal models and are adaptingthem to human conditions. Unfortunately, these animal models cant always be connected with thehuman body thus creating problems. Many times, researchers induce strokes on animals in order totest certain methods for curing. The downfall of this procedure is that a healthy animal thatexperiences a sudden stroke does not undergo the slowly progressive arterial damage that usuallyplays a crucial role in human strokes. In another illustration of the inaccuracy of animal research,scientists in the 1960s deduced from many animal experiments that inhaled tobacco smoke did notcause lung cancer. For many years afterward, the tobacco industry was able to use these studies todelay government warnings and to discourage physician s from intervening in their patients smokinghabits. We all know now that this is totally untrue and that smoking is a large contributor to cancer. Itturns out that cancer research is especially sensitive to differences in physiology between humans andother animals. Many animals, particularly rats and mice, synthesize within their bodies approximately100 times the recommended daily allowance for humans of vitamin C, which is believed to help thebody ward off cancer. The stress of handling, confinement and isolation alters the animals mentalstability and introduces yet another experimental variable that makes any results from testing evenless valuable to human helping. In many cases, drugs and other substances are given to the testanimals but studies have shown considerable differences in the effects of these drugs on differentspecies. David Salsburg of Pfizer Central Research has noted that of 19 chemicals known to causecancer in humans when ingested, only seven caused cancer in mice and rats using the standards setby the National Cancer Institute. This justifies that many substances that appeared safe in animalstudies and received approval from the U.S. Food and Drug Administration for use in humans laterproved dangerous to people. The drug milrinone, which raises cardiac output, increased survival ofrats with artificially induced heart failure; humans with severe chronic heart failure taking this drug hada 30 percent increase in fatalities. Also, the antiviral drug fialuridine seemed safe in animal trials yetcaused liver failure in seven of 15 humans taking the drug (five of these patients died as a result of themedication, and the other two received liver transplants). Scientists and the populous that do notagree with the experimentation of animals believe in different methods. These techniques includeepidemiological studies, clinical intervention trials, astute clinical observation aided by laboratorytesting, human tissue and cell cultures, autopsy studies, endoscopic examination and biopsy, as wellas new imaging methods. In the last decade, scientists with these views have learned to respect theanimals for their own species observations and for their ability to communicate. On the reverseaspect, many scientists READ: Computer systems Essay

Saturday, November 2, 2019

How does the implementation of a quality managment system such as EFQM Research Paper

How does the implementation of a quality managment system such as EFQM or Six Sigma in the hospitality industry help improve th - Research Paper Example All the prominent organizations may have a well defined quality management system in order to ensure the quality of all the products or services offered to the customers by the organization. Earlier, in most of the organizations, a quality control (QC) division was functioning whereas at present instead of QC, Quality Assurance (QA) division is functioning. The change from QC to QA reflects the importance and changing concepts about the quality in organizational world. Service sector is one area in which quality plays a vital role in determining the success and failures of an organization. For example, in hospitality industry, the customers often compare the quality of services they received from different organizations before they select one organization. European Foundation for Quality Management (EFQM) and six sigma (Developed by Motorola Corporation) are the major quality management systems implemented in the hospitality industry at present. Both EFQM and Six Sigma have some meri ts and demerits. This paper briefly analyses how the implementation of a quality management system such as EFQM or Six Sigma helps the hospitality industry to improve the performance. ... â€Å"To achieve Six Sigma, a process must not produce more than 3.4 defects/ million opportunities. A Six Sigma defect is defined as anything outside of customer specifications†( What is six sigma, 2010) (Jkerrigan, n. d) The basic architecture of six sigma includes five aspects; define, measure, analyse, improve and control. The organization which implements six sigma should define its objectives at first. Then the organization measures the output with the help of statistical analysis. If the output does not reach the six sigma mark, the process should be improved further and further till it reaches that mark. Proper control should be exercised while the organization strives for better quality and management practices. â€Å"Six Sigma is driven by the customer and thus aims to achieve maximum customer satisfaction and minimizing the defects. It targets the customer delight and new innovative ways to exceed the customer expectations† (Advantages and Disadvantages of Si x Sigma, n. d).The focus of Six Sigma implementation is attached to the customer. In most of the modern quality management systems customers are at the central point. All the quality improvement activities are rotate around the customer since the customer is the one who is capable of making or breaking an organization. Starwood Hotels and Resorts have already implemented the Six Sigma approach. Six Sigma at Starwood has helped improve the financial performance of the group by ushering in the quality and consistency of the customers' experiences. Six Sigma has also provided the guidelines and tools to create a consistently superior guest experience at all properties, and simultaneously improve the bottom line. The Six Sigma organization in the group reports to